My Family Cd Of Tennessee

My Family Cd Of Tennessee

Safe Kids Card, Inc.'s founder and franchise owner, Jeremiah Hutchins launched the company in August 2002.  In just over three years the company has grown to include 52 franchisees in 23 states and the District of Columbia, along with master franchisees in Canada, Australia and Ireland. Safe Kids Card of Tennessee is owned and operated by Neal McCain, who has over 18 years providing excellent customer service to his customers.  "When I saw this product I had to get involved.  It is my goal for every child in East Tennessee to be protected against abduction.

Compare other paper, laminated or driver licensed-like ID cards all require hours of additional information before law enforcement can begin a search.Many keep a database (whether internet based or otherwise - all databases including "digital storage" can be stolen or hacked into).  Some photography companies offering free IDs are partnered through sponsorships and may share and/or sell information regarding your child without your permission!

Our CD saves crucial time (per police statements).

* No data base or digitally stored information on or off the internet!
* Easy to carry.
* Contains information that form a police report.
* Contains 3 digital photographs & digital thumbprint.
* Easy to transmit via e-mail, send by fax or print out.
* CD is windows-compatible.
* Includes safety tips on each CD.
* Contains easy to follow directions to add a video or document like adoption or custody papers right from home.
* Aids with Amber Alert.

Private Company