The Fontware BarSTORM - Standard Barcode Printing Solution for the NHS

The Fontware BarSTORM - Standard Barcode Printing Solution for the NHS

Following the recent report by Lord Hunt, the NHS IT Minister, into the advantages of increasing usage of barcoding in the NHS, Fontware are setting their aims for their BarSTORM unit to become the standard barcode printing solution for the NHS. Whilst the report was created with the UK in mind, the points that are made are internationally applicable to the healthcare sector globally. - April 20, 2007

Fontware Aim to Become the Number One Choice for Barcode Printing Solutions by the Healthcare Industry

Following the initial launch in January 2006 by Fontware™, BarSTORM has grown to become one of the industry leaders. Fontware™, are now looking to expand upon BarSTORM’s market share by targeting healthcare organisations such as the NHS in the UK. - August 23, 2006

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