Kokab Rahman, Founder of Radeya Global, Writes New Book to Help Job Seekers During the Pandemic

Why do some people seem to get any job they apply to while others are always struggling? It has to do with mindset and correct portrayal of skills. Radeya Global Founder, Kokab Rahman's new book The Secret to a Successful Job Search helps you develop your mindset, beliefs, and skills so you can... - April 30, 2021

For Low-Skilled Service Workers, the Pandemic May be the Least of Their Worries

As changes in the work and business world make some job industries obsolete, the risk of numerous people becoming jobless and fall into poverty is not only real but is happening right now. Workers in service and low-skilled industries need to take these steps to protect their futures and their loved ones. - March 25, 2021

Radeya Global’s Free Career Resource Package Hope for Employees of Flybe and Other Failed Businesses Hard Hit by Coronavirus

With the world suffering an economic downturn because of the Coronavirus and people losing their jobs, it’s important to support each other. Radeya Global offers its Career Resources, including a Resume Template, free to help jobless individuals get back on their feet. - March 10, 2020

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