Orange Neurosciences’ Digital Therapy Platform is Helping Neurodiverse Students Overcome Pandemic Challenges

Orange Neurosciences’ Digital Therapy Platform is Helping Neurodiverse Students Overcome Pandemic Challenges

A recent study by Stanford University states that reading skills have stalled among students due to school closures, with reading fluency in second and third graders reduced by 30 percent. Students with learning differences have had bigger challenges. ReadON, an affordable, non-pharmacological therapy, improves attention, focus and self-confidence, language barriers and more. - September 30, 2021

Orange Neurosciences Launches World’s Largest Survey on Reading Fluency

Orange Neurosciences is launching the world's largest survey of reading skills through its new app, ReadON Plus. The survey, which is free, will uncover information about reading fluency, grade-level reading levels, executive functioning, and cognitive skills. It will provide a clearer understanding of how people read and how they learn over time. This will provide information to policy-makers to improve learning and to provide the proper interventions. - May 18, 2021

Orange Neurosciences Pilots Its Canadian-Made Platform to Help Kids with Learning Differences Become Better Readers

This week, a pilot of Canadian-made ReadON launched at 12 schools in India, to evaluate the effectiveness of this online therapy platform in helping struggling readers become fluent readers. The pilot is being conducted by fifty teachers iwho have been trained to use ReadON and is expected to reach up to 2,000 neuro-diverse learners. It will run for one month. ReadON was developed by Orange Neurosciences, a digital healthcare company from Kingston, Ontario, Canada. - April 21, 2021

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