New Experimental Study Examines Sense of Belonging for First-Year HBCU Students

A new study conducted by Dr. Terrell Strayhorn, Professor of Education at Virginia Union University, finds that sense of belonging - the availability of campus supportive networks and students’ subjective interpretation of everyday social adversity - is a key to educational success for... - March 16, 2022

New Research Shows Power of Hope and Belonging Amid Great Pandemic

Dr. Terrell Strayhorn believes that sense of belonging is a basic human need and fundamental right. His ground-breaking research has shown that belonging is a catalyst for institutional and structural change in higher education. It's also a facilitator of student development and learning. Belonging can buffer against the physical, psychological, and biological toll exacted by stress and social pathologies like racism, discrimination, and the COVID-19 pandemic. - March 16, 2022

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