Antiques Dealers Find Silver Lining in Credit-Crunch Clouds

London, United Kingdom, January 15, 2009 --( The current economic downturn has meant that many traditional investments such as equities and hedge funds are not only failing to provide investors with adequate returns, they’re becoming riskier too. As a result, many people are now turning their attention to other forms of investment, such as gold and other precious commodities - traditional ports in an economic storm. Yet today’s private investors are becoming ever more innovative in their search for a new safe haven, and according to Conor Hannah of the antiques website, this has led to a marked increase in activity across their network of antiques dealers.

Conor Hannah states, “we’re seeing a significant increase in sales, particularly from customers in the United States and Europe. So it’s clear that a weakening pound has played a part in this, allowing overseas buyers to find some real bargains in the UK.”

Yet it’s not just a weak pound and a sliding stock market that’s led people to turn to antiques as an investment vehicle. Record low interest rates on savings accounts have also encouraged people to look elsewhere - and antiques could provide the solution. As Mr Hannah says, “buying an antique, whether it’s an item of furniture, a painting or an ornamental piece, not only serves as a potentially valuable investment, there’s also the enormous benefit to be had from owning something with real character and style.”

The website brings together leading antiques dealers from right across the UK, allowing customers to search the stock of every partner website simultaneously. As Mr Hannah says, “ is reviving and revolutionising the antiques industry. It’s great for dealers, because they have access to a far greater number of customers, and it’s great for customers too, because they can compare the products and prices of many dealers without having to visit the stores in person.”

Although the credit-crunch continues to hurt most sectors of the economy, it’s certainly not true that every market is suffering. As antiques dealers boost their sales through, it seems the old adage “it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good” still holds true today.

Conor Hannah