Self Publisher and Author Randall Roberson Writes and Publishes First Book

Randall Roberson has written and published his first book. He has made this work available as of 02-08-09 and may be puchased at, marketplace, as well as, online at

Oneonta, AL, February 10, 2009 --( Randall Roberson resides in Oneonta, Al. and has been an aspiring writer almost all his life. He pursued several avenues without success, finally deciding to self publish his work.

His humorous book, The Adventures Of Junior, is intended for all audiences, young and old and is suitable for children as well as adults.

Exerpts include;

...When breakfast was ready, I told Junior he needed to go wash his hands.
"Why? Thems not dirty, why me needs to washes them?" he asked.
"Because, young man, you were touching Marbles, and may contact some type of germ." I said.
At this, Junior looked at both hands, front and back, and said, "Me no sees no germs Mom, are this a twick to make me washes me hands?"....

....Junior looked up and saw the squirrel too, then he looked at Marbles and back at the squirrel.
"Marbles, me boy, me sure hope that 'quirrel 'tays up there in the twee, 'cause if him comes down, us gonna has to run an' hide. Hims as big as you is boy." Junior told Marbles....

Self Publisher
Randall Roberson