The Truth Lies in the Dark Virtual Tour Begins on March 15th

The Truth Lies in the Dark by Kristin Callender will start a Virtual Book Tour on March 15, 2009. There are ten stops planned so far and more to be added. It is not too late to get in on this exciting and humorous tour.

Hartford, CT, March 11, 2009 --( The Virtual Book Tour is intended to announce the new arrival of mystery/romance The Truth Lies in the Dark. During the tour Kristin Callender will participate in Author Interviews, guest posts, and exciting contests.

The Author interviews will include questions about the book, the craft of writing, and the challenges in publishing today. Kristin Callender shares some of best and worst parts of her own publishing journey and how she has used humor to stay positive and focused on her goals.

Kristin has been invited to some blogs as a guest host, in which she gets the opportunity to share a little about herself as a writer and a mother of four children. She also reveals an interesting connection with the book's cover and its artist.

Some of the stops have added exciting contests that give readers the chance to win an autographed copy of The Truth Lies in the Dark and a t-shirt featuring the beautifully designed book cover.

The Truth Lies in the Dark Virtual Book Tour (aka: Book Blog Tour) is set to begin on March 15th and run through the end of the month. There are a few dates open if there are Book Blogs and book related websites interested in participating in this tour. All tour dates, details, and links are posted at the author's website as well as all important contact information. The address is: (http://) .

The Truth Lies in the Dark by Kristin Callender is available on and is the 'Featured Book of the Month' on (www.)

KC Books
Kristin Callender