Fulfilling Your Life’s Course: Discover Your Purpose

New Book Helps Numerous People Discover How to Find Their Purpose and Fulfill it Even During Hard Times

Chicago, IL, May 13, 2009 --(PR.com)-- Fulfilling Your Life’s Course by Dawn Epting demonstrates how to discover your purpose in life and ultimately fulfill it. This dynamic new book is the first one to explain how to find and fulfill your God given purpose while honestly assessing the potential mistakes, pitfalls, and adversity along the way. It goes a step further to explain how past mistakes and difficulties can be used for present and future success.

The good news is that this book is now available for purchase on lulu.com and amazon.com. This is important because readers will certainly feel like they know the key to fulfilling their purpose in life and the reason for past challenges they have endured after reading this work. This book was released to empower people to fulfill their purpose regardless of difficulties they have experienced or may be experiencing.

Dawn Epting’s books, speeches, and teachings draw off of a wealth of experience obtained from the numerous years she served in the U.S. Air Force, her various teaching ministries, and from illnesses/emotional challenges she has experienced in her own life. In this latest book, she inspires individuals to run their course in life and fulfill their purpose regardless of past or present adverse circumstances. Dawn obtained a Masters degree in Business Administration from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Maryland, University College. She is a Licensed Investment Adviser who served in the U.S. Air Force as a Financial Analyst for 6 years. Her military tour took her to such places as California, Korea, and Germany.

Dawn’s website at www.dawnepting.com offers more information about the book and her background. You can also contact her about speaking engagements on this site. If you’d like more information or would like to contact her, please visit this site.

Dawn Epting