Never Say Diet Weekend Retreats in Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 21, 2009 --( In January of 2001 Chantel Hobbs weighed over 350 pounds. In 17 months she lost over 200 pounds without surgery or dieting. Author of the newly released 'The Never Say Diet Personal Fitness Trainer,' a companion to last year's release, Never Say Diet: Make Five Decisions and Break the Fat Habit For Good, will be conducting hands-on Never Say Diet Weekend Retreats on Fort Lauderdale Beach this summer to help kickstart people on the program that helped her shed those pounds, featured in her books.

“Diets don't work. Sadly, we've been some major celebrities try to lose weight and keep it off for years. Clearly, they’re doing is not working! We need to stop looking for the latest fad and instead make a real commitment to be the healthiest we can be. Whatever trends we're trying every Monday aren't working. It's time for a brain change!” says Hobbs.

Chantel Hobbs is a certified spinning instructor, fitness trainer and mother of 4 who has a story that has inspired countless numbers across the country to step up, take responsibility, stop making excuses and finally break free from the fat trap.

Seven years after reaching her goal weight, she is a veteran marathoner, 200 pounds lighter and far healthier. Chantel has been a guest on the Oprah Winfrey show, the Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox and Friends, Lifetime TV, A&E. In 2004, Chantel was featured on the cover of People Magazine and is excited to share her story with others.

Her Never Say Diet books focus on the getting fit part of the journey. In her Weekend Retreats, Chantel will lead motivational, educational and inspirational sessions as well as workouts like the ones described in her book, that helped her get healthy and become fit.

Hobbs wants people to know that “this is not boot camp. It's not meant for people that want to lose the five pounds they gained over the holidays or are in training for a marathon. The retreats are for the ladies and men who are tired of the endless battle to lose weight, tired of the fad diets and tired of feeling out of control. It’s a weekend getaway with a focus on your mind, your body and – most importantly – your spirit. These weekends about taking control of your life so you can change your brain and never say diet again!”

For more information on Chantel Hobbs, visit

Helene Kopel
Weekend Retreat Flyer

Weekend Retreat Flyer

More details on the weekend retreats discussed in the release.
