Liberty Industries Offering "Live Chat Support" for the Contamination Control Cleanroom Industry

Liberty Industries proudly announces the expansion of its continuing exceptional customer support services; “Live Chat Support, ASK LIBERTY” Chat with a Specialist Now on their newly redesigned website,

East Berlin, CT, May 30, 2009 --( Get real time, “Live Support,” Monday thru Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm, Eastern Time. Need help on a product, design or quick price, just ASK LIBERTY at A quick and easy way to get questions answered from the leader in contamination control. Liberty Industry is keeping in touch with customer needs and demands with today’s ever growing technology based industry.

Liberty Industries was founded in 1953 and is a world class manufacturer of cleanrooms, laminar flow devices, air showers, shoe brush machines, Tacky Mats® and a distributor of cleanroom accessories and supplies. Liberty Industries provides cleanroom products and design build solutions for many applications and industries including precision manufacturing, pharmaceutical, hospital, optical/fiber optics, foreign, medical devices, laboratories, government, supplies/janitorial, universities, automotive, printed circuit/electronics, aerospace, semiconductor and plastics.

For additional information on cleanrooms or other contamination solutions including cleanrooms, pass thrus, laminar flow equipment and much more, please contact Liberty Industries at 1-800-828-5656, or visit their website

Liberty Industries Inc
Cathy Albano
800 828 5656 x 636