George DiGuido's "The Tuareg"

"The Tuareg" is set to release June 20th

Poughkeepsie, NY, June 06, 2009 --( What is a Tuareg?

George DiGuido has been asked this question more times than we can count. Author of the historical adventure/romance book, The Tuareg: Blue Man of the Sahara, Mr. DiGuido is geared up to answer the question over and over again.

When asked what makes his book so unique, he replied:

“The Tuareg is written in what I’d like to think of as a great Romantic style. Not Romantic in the sense of a Harlequin bodice-ripper. But the Romance of a Delacroix or Gerome painting, a Brahms or Schumann symphony, a Shelley, Byron, or Keats poem.”

Due for release on June 20th, the book The Tuareg: Blue Man of The Sahara will not only answer your question “What is a Tuareg?” in great detail, but in doing so will take you on a journey across the Sahara and into the heart of Africa.

The Tuareg has been touted as a great summer beach read.

Pre-publication purchasing is currently available directly from Vivisphere Publishing,, and is also available through large distributors.

Vivisphere is a traditional small press publisher that brings a special focus to new and deserving authors whose works reflect life today.

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Nick Rusch