S7 Software signs Teaming Agreement with Great Migrations LLC

Bangalore, India, July 11, 2009 --(PR.com)-- S7 Software signs teaming agreement with Dublin, Ohio based Great Migrations to offer software migration services to companies throughout US.

S7 Software Solutions Pvt Ltd (S7 Software), a leading provider of software migration, modernization and reengineering services, announces the signing of teaming agreement with Great Migrations LLC, an Ohio, US based provider of migration tools and services specializing in the development and upgrade of software systems and applications for clients in the scientific, engineering, and business communities.

Taken in the backdrop of current economic upheavals, software migration, modernization and reengineering services assume enormous significance for CXOs looking to put to use the enormous investments made on legacy systems.

Manjunath M Gowda, CEO and co-founder of S7 Software, commented “We are excited with our partnership with Great Migrations, the leading provider of software conversion services. Given the fact that legacy maintenance consumes 70% of the IT budget, CXOs worldwide are looking at options to modernize them by migration/conversion to present technology. The demand for our services is huge and this partnership will help us to penetrate the market more effectively.”

“We are looking forward to leveraging our long-standing software translation technology with the re-engineering skills and international reach of S7 Software to provide timely solutions to the age-old challenge of keeping valuable legacy assets current and relevant, for clients worldwide” said Dr. George E. Juras, Senior Partner at Great Migrations.

Great Migrations LLC is home of the world's most advanced computer language translation technology. Started in 1982, they specialize in providing software migration solutions to clients, with particular emphasis on solving the VB-to-.NET migration problem. They are based in Dublin, Ohio, USA.

S7 Software is a leading provider of software migration, modernization and reengineering services. Headquartered in Bangalore, India, S7 Software works with clients from all major verticals including Banking, Telecom, Education, Retail, Manufacturing, and ISVs.

S7 Software
Sudhindra Subodha
+91 80 41526777