TRNN Video: Terrorism "Suspect" Talking with Karzai

Youssef: It's unclear how lists, identifying former GITMO detainees as "returned terrorists," are made.

Washington DC, DC, July 18, 2009 --( Since 2002, the number of detainees at Guantanamo Bay has decreased from 775 to 229. Many have been released with no charges due to lack of evidence. The Pentagon recently released another list naming 74 detainees, or 14% of the Gitmo prisoner population, who have been confirmed or are suspected of re-engaging in terrorist activities.

TRNN speaks to McClatchy chief Pentagon correspondent Nancy Youssef about her recent article, "Where's Pentagon 'terrorism suspect'? Talking to Karzai," where Youssef interviews one of the 74 detainees on the "returned to terrorism" list: Haji Sahib Rohullah Wakil, a high-ranking tribal leader from the Kunar region in Afghanistan.

Youssef's article describes Wakil as a well-respected and dutiful community leader in the Kunar region, working closely with the Karzai administration in Kandahar - though he still lives in fear of being detained once again.

She tells TRNN that the recent Pentagon list of "returned terrorists," naming Wakil as one of them, "is too vague." The recent list is only a "partial one," she says, listing less than the reported 74 detainees. Of those on the partial list, only names, detainee dates, and a brief note about the reason for detention are given. "I think there are real questions about how the Pentagon goes about making these lists, labeling someone as a confirmed or suspected terrorist, and how much information they have about not only the people they [held] at Guantanamo, but about what happened to them after they were released," Youssef says.

"It's not really clear who compiles that list and how they determine who is a suspected terrorist and who is a confirmed one. The list is not complete."

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Sharmini Peries