Teen Sexuality Explodes in the New Novel, Torn, by Amber Lehman

Think that by not discussing the topic of sexuality with your teen it will keep them from experimenting with not only heterosexual activities, but homosexual activities as well? Don't be so sure. In today's day and age more teens are questioning their sexuality and most likely parents will be the last to know. Oftentimes there are limited resources for teens to relate to during this difficult and confusing time in their life. Literature is a major outlet for teens to turn to.

Newport Beach, CA, August 16, 2009 --(PR.com)-- In Amber Lehman's new novel, Torn, she explores teen sexuality in its many different facets, from homosexuality, bisexuality, and teens who are simply questioning themselves. Heterosexual relationships are not overlooked either. The novel centers around Krista, a 14 year old girl who was raised in an all-girl's Catholic school in Ohio when she suddenly finds herself facing school in the public system in California. A culture shock for anyone. Throughout the novel she makes many friends, each with diverse lifestyles. But on one occasion Krista will be forced to make her own decision once she is presented with a dare that ultimately has life altering repercussions. This is the catalyst of the story and where the journey of all the characters truly begin.

The main message in the book is that being a teen who is questioning your sexuality is okay. They aren’t the only one struggling with issues of sexual identity. It's important to remember to just be yourself--you don’t have to decide overnight--sometimes it’s a process. No answer is better or worse than the alternative, and your true friends will be there for you during this challenging time. In the book,Torn, different people come to different conclusions on their own; just because they have a gay experience doesn’t necessarily make them gay. For example: While Krista experiments with Carrie she ultimately decides she’s more attracted to boys. While Nick who has previously had a girlfriend finds himself attracted to guys and is ultimately gay. Brandon who has been mainly gay throughout the story finds that he’s closer to being truly bisexual. Being open to diversity is what is key. The goal is to make people more sympathetic to people going through this stage in their life.

Closet Case Press
Amber Lehman