Analyst Briefing Presentation on the Global Electroactive Polymers Market to be Held on 23rd Nov 2009

Analyst Briefing on Electroactive Polymers Market by MarketsandMarkets.

Wilmington, DE, November 13, 2009 --( The advanced materials practice at MarketsandMarkets is pleased to announce its Analyst Briefing Presentation on the Global Electroactive polymers market to be held on 23rd Nov 2009.

Technological developments in the electronics and semiconductor industries have led to the creation of polymers that change shape on the application of voltage. The biggest application for electroactive polymers (EAPs) lies in their future use as actuators and sensors, which in turn opens up a huge spectrum of applications in the fields of electronics, healthcare, sensing, and solar energy generation. With the growing market for each of these applications, EAP is set to become a mainstream market in the next five years. However, the technical specifications for each application differ widely, and extensive research and investments are still needed for developing application-specific EAPs. As the EAP market is still in the early phase, it presents many advantages for the early movers. As there are not too many companies involved now, detailed knowledge of the competitors will be crucial for the success of each company.

The global electroactive polymers market was at $1.7 billion in 2008; and is expected to grow exponentially at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2009 to 2014 mainly due to the already existing demand for new applications be commercialized in the next five years. The conductive plastics segment forms the largest submarket of the overall electroactive polymers market with an expected US$2.25 billion by 2014 at a CAGR of 7.3% from 2009 to 2014. The high market size of conductive plastics follows from its extensive use in electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic interference protection.

The briefing on the global electroactive polymers market (2009-2014) will benefit electroactive polymer manufacturers, chemical suppliers for electroactive polymers, electronics and semi-conductor companies, medical device manufacturers, antistatic coating and packaging companies, and research laboratories. “There is a huge growth opportunity in the EAP market as the demand for these products is expected to grow at a rate of 8%, and as the commercialization of potential applications could make this a might see this a double digit figure in the near future” notes MarketsandMarkets. “As the market is still in its nascent stage, the development of heat-resisting polymers could increase the growth opportunity for stakeholders in electroactive polymers.”

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