Aryanic Softwares (Highportal and Highcms) Succeeded Getting Security Seals and Become Vulnerability Free

Irvine, CA, November 16, 2009 --( Because of importance of the security issues and discussions around it and their influences on the competition fields , that caused confusion in customers, Aryanic company got 3 security seals from the most famous security companies in the world (BeyondSecurity ‘SecuriTeam,’ Trust-Gard security verified, NetworkSolutions nsProtect ‘hacker tested,’ to assure its customers and the market about these issues and wonders.

These seals are installed on their software offical website ( and the customers and people can see the daily security test results by a click .

For example by a click on the NetworkSolutions seal , this description will be seen:
“This Web site has been awarded the nsProtect™ Safe seal certifying that it has been tested and passed the nsProtect™ Safe security vulnerability scan.”

Aryanic WebDevelopment
Anoush Ohadi