First Time Author Talks About Her Novel

Warrensburg, MO, November 22, 2009 --( Warlen wrote her first novel, "Whisper Me Sweet Death," while attending the University of Central Missouri as an elementary and special education major.

She started nine months ago at midnight. Warlen said she always writes at midnight, staying up with a Pepsi or coffee to write a chapter or two.

"I'd come back the next day and edit what I wrote before," Warlen said.

She self-published the young adult fiction novel through on the Internet.

"The main character is 17, is an orphan, had a hard time fitting in with family and got sent from California to Missouri," Warlen said. "Having a hard time fitting in -- big culture shock." She said the character faces problems of teenage life, including pregnancy.

Warlen does not know why this story came to her.

"It kind of just showed up in my mind one day and grew from there," she said. "The characters came to me first. It morphed the more I kicked it around and thought about it." She has always written, but never thought seriously of writing a book until a year ago when a UCM professor urged her to follow through with the project.

"I've always been good at writing papers and boring stuff for classes," Warlen said. "I always kind of knew I was a good writer and the idea was always someday I should write a book, but I could never slow down to take the time to do it." "Whisper Me Sweet Death" is the first of a three-, maybe four-part series following the same characters, she said.

Warlen said she plans to finish the second book by fall 2010.

She also is writing an adventure about a 13-year-old.

"It's sort of Peter Pan meets Tim Burton," Warlen said. "It's a lot more fun, and not quite as dark." Warlen's family is supportive. Her mother Marceia Warlen would read a couple chapters, then tell her dad, Tim, and brother, Jeremy about them.

"My mom liked it, but there was, again, that 'I might be biased, but I thought it was a good book,' comment," Warlen said.

"Whisper Me Sweet Death is available on the Lulu Web site: and will be available at the Barnes and Noble Web site.

Kristina Warlen