C.A.R.E Helps Battle Shopping Addictions This Holiday Season

With the economy showing slow signs of improvement and the stress of another holiday season looming, C.A.R.E looks to help battle shopping addiction relapse with a true holistic approach to addiction treatment.

North Palm Beach, FL, December 02, 2009 --(PR.com)-- While the economy shows signs of recovery, many families are still feeling the pressure of managing a lean budget while creating joyous holiday memories for their children. The U.S. unemployment rating rose in October to 10.2 percent, or over 15.7 million people. Often, the pressures of everyday life are enough to trigger a relapse. In this down economy with many people struggling to keep food on the table, these pressures seem even greater for people dealing with shopping addictions.

Dealing with a shopping addiction is a day-to-day struggle for many, now amplified by the pressure to live within an economy in the midst of a recession while creating lasting memories for their families this holiday season. Many families are adjusting to being a single-income household, and often giving up items to feed and clothe their families. Some have downgraded their lifestyle to help manage the financial constraint, moving to smaller homes and driving older cars instead of purchasing newer models. These changes add societal and status pressures to the ever-present financial stability woes that caused the original life changes.

Shopping addiction, or compulsive spending, affects an estimated 6% of the U.S. population, and men and women are equally as likely to suffer from this addiction. Pressures around the holiday season for shopaholics mount, in part due to increased marketing efforts like commercials, coupons and flyers. Many companies have started their holiday advertising campaigns early this season, hoping to entice savvy and budget-conscious consumers into their stores.

Companies are flooding the airwaves with special recession deals and coupons in the hopes that it will help turn a profit this holiday season. For people dealing with the pressures of a shopping addiction while trying to manage a lean budget, these campaigns have the added potential to trigger addictive behavior or relapses in reformed shopaholics.

Shopping addiction is sometimes difficult to spot. The symptoms include chronic spending beyond one’s means, hiding of purchases, compulsive buying and repeated cycles of purchase and return. The long-term effects of a shopping addiction include financial ramifications like possible bankruptcy, as well as strained relationships.

A shopping addiction can have long-term impacts on someone’s life, just like a gambling or drug addiction. Many shopaholics spend as a result of their emotional state, such as anger, depression or loneliness. Some addicts describe feeling euphoric after making a purchase, though later feeling guilty and returning the purchases, only to later buy again. When questioned about their purchase behaviors, many people suffering from shopping addiction lie about their spending behavior, either denying that a purchase was ever made, or understating the amount of money spent.

C.A.R.E Florida has holistic programs designed to help cure shopping addictions, as well as relapse prevention programs for alumni, which include treatment from a local therapist, a list of local meetings and available resources, a schedule of activities when transitioning from in-patient to relapse prevention care, and ongoing support from the patient's C.A.R.E primary therapist and other counselors.

C.A.R.E. is reaching out this holiday season to help former addicts deal with the stress of the economy and this holiday season in a healthy way and prevent addiction relapse.

If you are someone you love could benefit from treatment please visit www.careflorida.com. For press inquiries please use the contact form at www.careflorida.com and you will be responded to immediately.

C.A.R.E. Florida Addiction Recovery
Justin Allen