Honor Society Receives GEICO Partnership Excellence Award

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars has been awarded a 2009 GEICO Partnership Excellence Award. The award recognizes individuals and organizations who through partnerships with GEICO, demonstrate their dedication and customer-focused service.

Washington, DC, March 31, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Due to demonstrated dedication to their members and commitment to the betterment of the lives of college students, The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) has been awarded a 2009 GEICO Partnership Excellence Award.

The Partnership Excellence Award recognizes those individuals and organizations who, through partnerships with GEICO, demonstrate their dedication and customer-focused service.

NSCS is an honor society serving first- and second-year college students at 250 universities nationwide. The Society’s dedication to the ideals of scholarship, leadership and service and its dedication offering its members every benefit possible, led GEICO’s panel of judges to grant this honor.

“They seek to inspire community service, academic excellence and integrity within their members--making the organization a great ‘match’ for our leadership development programs and college hiring goals,” said Shannon Smedstad, GEICO Employment Service Manager, who, along with fellow GEICO Employment Service Manager Matt Duren, nominated NSCS for the award. “Being a partner of NSCS has opened up many doors for our regional and corporate recruiters to attract and hire talented college graduates.”

NSCS has partnered with GEICO to offer NSCS members the NSCS-GEICO graduate school scholarship, the GEICO Achievement Awards, as well as GEICO’s discounts on insurance, since 2007.

Richard Nam, NSCS Strategic Partnership Manager, said that GEICO’s relationship with NSCS has thrived because of the shared vision the two organizations have. “GEICO has been extremely supportive of our membership by offering scholarships and discounts. We’re honored to receive this award and hope to continue to work closely with GEICO to create additional opportunities for our members.”

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Mishri Someshwar
Janine Deegan