Be Positive Campaign Announces New Apparel Aimed to Further Positive Message

Be Positive Campaign Announces New Apparel Aimed to Further Positive Message. The t-shirt serves as a reminder of how simple changes in thinking will produce better action, thereby producing the desired effect – more love, more peace, more harmony.

Brooklyn, NY, November 07, 2010 --( Keishorne Scott, spokesman and organizer of the Be Positive Campaign, unveils the latest addition to apparel designed to spread a message of love and unity. The “Feed Love, Starve Hate” tee shirt is available to purchase at his online store for $18 and directly funds his efforts to help youth overcome extraordinary circumstances, beginning with their thinking. Contrary to the recent increase in bullying, racial and social unrest, Mr. Scott continues to press forward in educating people—especially the youth — about the power and necessity of feeding love and starving hatred.

The rationale behind this is that positive thinking fuels positive actions which in turn produce positive results. Despite obstacles that some youths may face presently, Mr. Scott strongly asserts that their tomorrow is affected by their thinking today. By focusing on and nourishing love, negative circumstances and obstacles become smaller.

Mr. Scott has dedicated much of his time promoting the Be Positive Campaign, conveying the importance of education, community activism, and positive thinking to youth all across the northeastern United States. Through various speaking engagements, rallies, video messages, blogs, and other outlets, Mr. Scott has been able see firsthand the results of his efforts, and is even more optimistic about the impact the t-shirt will have.

The message attached to the tee shirt can go where he cannot; inspiring people of all walks of life, races, and personal beliefs, to recognize the influence their actions have on others. “Positive thinking, community activism and education will provide the foundation for a better tomorrow,” explains Mr. Scott. The t-shirt serves as a reminder of how simple changes in thinking will produce better action, thereby producing the desired effect – more love, more peace, more harmony.

Be Positive Campaign
Keishorne Scott