– Wagner’s Compositions Are Played in Naples Now Until October 2011 reveals that Naples will be alive with the sound of classical music for an entire six months as an extended collection of concerts are performed in the city.

Naples, Italy, April 21, 2011 --( The Ravello Music Festival, also more commonly known as the Wagner Summer Festival, will be featuring compositions by not only Richard Wagner but a number of all time great composers. Audiences can look forward to hearing pieces by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Mendelssohn and Schumann as well as a host of other favourites.

The majority of performances will take place at Villa Rufolo and the beautifully kept gardens which offer stunning views of the sea. The setting of the villa actually inspired Wagner to write his famous opera "Parsifal."

Opening the concert series will be performances of work from Franz Schubert and Johannes Brahms which will commence on 2nd April 2011. Selected show highlights also include Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Sonata Op.111 and Antonin Dvorak’s Trio Op. 90 ‘Dumky’ with Pierfrancesco Borrelli on the piano and Fulvio Artiano and Trio Artello on the violin.

Keen pianists will look forward to The Piano Sonata Cycle by Beethoven and which will be performed by the inspiring Giuseppe Maiorca. The concerts run all the way up until 31st October 2011 and the final concert will honour the work of Cesar Franck and the Sonata in La Maggiore.

Classical music enthusiasts using a hotel in Naples Airport can see the performances which will mainly be held in the evenings from 21:30.

Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: “Finding available hotels may become difficult with so many visitors so attendees are advised to book early.”


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Lek Boonlert
+66 76 241 145