North Dakota Author Releases New Books in 2011 Including The Adventure Novel, the Bellwether

Fargo, ND, November 16, 2011 --( Author James W. Nelson has released several books in 2011. Nelson enjoys writing and publishing and is proud to present his new book, The Bellwether.

Think of the 1800s, the wagon trains, and the people who crossed the prairie looking for a better life. Now fast-forward to the new millennium and the worldwide economy totally crashing, causing unbelievable chaos and violence. Through Native American prophecy, Aaron Hodges sees it coming and envisions building a hidden colony to ride out the likely decades-long crisis.

When the crash came nobody could point a finger and blame a specific thing. The United States and the world were locked in drought, stagnant economy, and rampant pollution. Too many people were wasting too much, demanding too much standard of living, and too much money created too much free time and entertainment, for, as one height was reached boredom prevailed, and more and greater thrills were demanded.

More wood, more metal, more food and drink, and more oil.

The oil flow stopped.

Then the flow of supplies stopped. The civilized world found itself trapped inside a steel, concrete, and plastic wasteland with no utilities, no food, no water.

And no gasoline.

Set in the near future, the novel runs for two years. The main theme is a modern-day wagon train with over sixty people driving sixteen covered wagons pulled by four-horse teams for 30 days and 300 miles from southern Minnesota farming country to northern Minnesota wilderness. Background themes include the economy, environment, and a shadowy “master race” organization out to eliminate the Native American. This novel is character-driven, just normal people loving and finding love, surviving, and reacting to circumstances as best they can. Readers will like the characters, will care what happens to them, and at the end will cheer.

Book Information:
The Bellwether
Author: James W. Nelson
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1461106036
Pages: 792
Published: September 2011

About The Author
James W. Nelson was born in a farmhouse in eastern North Dakota in 1944. Some doctors made house calls back in those days. He remembers kerosene lamps, bathing in a large galvanized tub, and their phone number was a long ring followed by four short ones, and everybody else in the neighborhood could rubberneck. (Imagine that today)

James has been telling stories most of his life. Some of his first memories happened during recess in a one-room country schoolhouse near Walcott, ND. His little friends, eyes wide, would gather round and listen to his every hastily-imagined word. It was a beginning. Fascinated by the world beginning to open, he remembers listening to the teacher read to all twelve kids in the eight grades. He loved to read himself too, but other than school papers, writing held off until his four-year stretch in the navy, where he kept a sparse journal, but the memory banks were beginning to fill.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

James W. Nelson

Other books by James W. Nelson:

Callipygia (The Utopian World of Callipygia…Just a Legend?)
Paperback 244 pages
Published 2010
ISBN 978-1460985564

Experiments (Pharmacological Research gone Berserk)
Paperback 308 pages
Published 2011
ISBN 978-1460987490

Winter in July (The Doomsday Clock is Ticking; It will reach Midnight)
Paperback 236 pages
Published 2010
ISBN 978-1460996003

The Bellwether and all of James W. Nelson’s books are available for purchase online from the author’s website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers.

Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Author, James W. Nelson
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