New Century Theatre Company Visit Walford and North Shropshire College

At 9.45 am on a cold, grey November morning, over a hundred A level and BTEC students from Walford and North Shropshire College, their tutors and a visiting group from Sweden were treated to a sizzling performance of one of Oscar Wilde's plays when The New Century Theatre Company (NCTC) came to the Oswestry Campus Theatre.

Shropshire, United Kingdom, December 01, 2011 --( The group from Sweden consisted of International Baccalaureate (IB) students and their tutors. This is the third year Swedish IB students have visited the College to exchange ideas on curriculum and experience education in a different country and the opportunity to watch the play proved to be a very enjoyable aspect of their visit.

The Birmingham based company was initiated to give young actors the experience of working on great classics and so they take on new recruits for every play and perform for schools and other interested groups across the West Midlands.

According to English Lecturer Victoria Clemson, "The NCTC Director, Jennifer Rigby, enjoys putting new laces into old boots and the company presented the sparkling script at break-neck speed with a powerfully sarcastic, male version of Lady Bracknell, played by Bill Bowen, who glared upon the cast and audience as he/she delivered hilarious lines with all the deep seriousness required to make them really funny. Bill was all the more impressive because he had been brought into the play at just three days’ notice. The rest of the cast were also skilfully witty in their handbags at dawn confrontations between the female characters and Muffin fights at twelve paces between the men."

Vicki commented, “'The Importance of Being Earnest is considered to be Oscar Wilde's most perfect comedy. The audience saw a wonderful classic brought to life and we will certainly be looking out for the next New Century Theatre production in the future!”

The Drama students were also given an opportunity to talk to the cast afterwards and find out about their backgrounds and career development which was very useful.

For more information about courses at Walford and North Shropshire College please visit their website at or telephone 01691 688000.

Walford & North Shropshire College
Lucy Evans
01691 688039