New Online Motor Oil Comparison Service Helps Auto Owners Determine Which Engine Oil is Best

Free service provides technical data for over 1,300 motor oils in an interactive online database. Search, sort & filter the list any way you like to find your "best oil."

Lowell, MI, December 07, 2011 --( Last month, Michael Kaufman, the author of "The Motor Oil Bible," released the latest version of The Motor Oil Evaluator comparison service, updating all motor oil tech specs and nearly doubling the available data from about 700 oils to over 1300. New features were added and a brand new look is being sported by the site.

Although a relatively new and somewhat unknown service, Mr. Kaufman indicates that there are already over 10,000 users. "This is something that nobody else is doing," says Kaufman. "So many people want to know which engine oil would be best for their vehicle, but don’t have the time or the knowledge to really make an educated decision."

The Motor Oil Evaluator ( aims to change that. According to Mr. Kaufman, “Users can easily find the best oils within any given viscosity or category within just seconds. And, with the proprietary scoring and ranking algorithm, users don’t even have to know what the specs mean. Simply filter the list of oils to only include those that fit your needs, then sort the list in order from the highest score to the lowest.”

“The system is not perfect,” admits Mr. Kaufman, but he says that it offers a great starting point for vehicle owners to at least narrow down their choices to a few select oils that offer the greatest level of quality to meet their specific needs.

The Motor Oil Evaluator
Michael Kaufman