Credit Card Rating Site: Lets the Consumer Decide announced that it has launched a newly revised website with updated content. A comprehensive online guide,, is devoted to helping consumers make informed decisions when applying for a credit card. The website allows visitors to read reviews or rates of credit cards from consumers, or it allows visitors to post their own reviews/rates.

Los Angeles, CA, May 10, 2007 --( The majority of updated content to is evidenced in its detailed article index which is composed of invaluable tips, general information, trade “secrets,” and news about the credit card industry. The article index is essentially an educational resource for consumers when looking to choose a credit card that fits their individual needs. It also arms consumers with background information and specific procedures they can utilize when approaching credit card companies with questions or concerns. Founder and CEO Steve Baik stated, “The purpose of updating the website was so we could keep our clients informed of new trends in the credit card marketplace while giving these consumers a place on the internet where they could shop for the right card for their unique situation. Another purpose was to allow consumers to share their experiences with specific credit cards, and give advice to others.”

With roughly 500 visitors daily, contains a database of nearly 200 detailed credit cards statistics and profile information such as bonuses/rewards, annual fees, setup fees, and spending limits.

Baik who has an extensive background in the financial and mortgage industries, has worked for companies such as LendingTree, Wells Fargo, and Washington Mutual. With his in depth client service experience, Baik wanted to create his own service-oriented business that solely catered to consumers and their credit needs. In turn, these consumers had a platform to share their thoughts on various credit cards with other consumers. “We are dedicated to being unbiased in the way we present our credit cards. By providing ratings and comparisons, people are able to make informed decisions when applying for a new credit card. Also, I believe that people trust other people more than they trust businesses or companies,” Baik says. provides an online platform where visitors can search for the best credit card offers on the internet. A fully searchable site, provides a general, unbiased listing which allows for its consumers to make informed decisions prior to applying for a new credit card. maintains the belief that finding the right credit card does not have to be a hassle.

Steve Baik