Donates Proceeds of eBook, Prairie Springs, to Help Texas Animal Rescue

Download Prairie Springs at Amazon, Smashwords, or to assist animal rescue, Blue Paws.

Houston, TX, January 26, 2012 --( Until February 29th, 2012, Prairie Springs, a previous bestseller on Amazon’s Kindle in three categories, will be reduced to $.99 in order to help out Blue Paws, largely a trap-neuter-release (TNR) animal rescue, but where all animals find a loving home with the couple who run Blue Paws and have made saving animals their life. Included are animals with costly disabilities for which funding is greatly needed to continue to provide food and veterinary care.

To assist the rescue based in Lexington, Texas, the author of Prairie Springs, L.R. Williamson, has agreed to lower the price of the e-book on Amazon and Smashwords and donate 50% of the proceeds to Blue Paws, with a goal of raising $1,000.

Prairie Springs is a book about a seemingly conservative, small Texas town. The arrival of a new, open-minded resident unknowingly causes a tightly knit web of secrets to unravel. The characters are vivid, and the readers are taken on a mostly comical ride as the book culminates in a shocking ending.

Help the author to reach his goal by downloading the e-book at Amazon or Smashwords for $.99. The book is also available in paperback for $15.99, and half of all proceeds will also be donated for paperback sales through Amazon. For easily accessible links, visit

L.R. Williamson