ePublisher:Photos Now Available on Nook Tablet and Nook Color

Now Create eBooks of your personal content from the Nook Reader's Tablet. It's as easy as pushing a button to instantly format pages, apply filters, and add descriptions. Content creation is the next frontier for tablets. Turns Nook Tablet and Nook Color into Visual Ebook Publishing Tool.

Boston, MA, March 23, 2012 --(PR.com)-- Now ePublisher: Photos is available on the Nook Reader's Tablet. Turn your Nook Color ™ or Nook Tablet ™ by Barnes & Noble into a photo eBook publishing powerhouse. Time to get creative and curate your personal content on your tablet. Instebooks new ePublisher:Photos app re-imagines the photo book for a tablet and touch interface world.

Nook, the Reader's Tablet and ePublisher:Photos are a natural fit as Nook customers value the ability to publish their personal content as eBooks they can enjoy and show off. “We're excited to bring ePublisher:Photos to the successful Nook tablets. A customer base that enjoys reading and eBooks will benefit greatly from the ability to get creative and publish eBooks of their personal photos,” said founder Richard Reece. “With ePublisher:Photos people can choose their own layouts, add filters, generate covers, and add tags all with the push of a button.”

ePublisher:Photos transforms people's personal photos and content into stunning compilations. Finally, a tool that helps everyone easily create beautiful eBooks and take advantage of the visual and touch capabilities of tablets. “With ePublisher:Photos we've set out to help people make their personal content and memories look fantastic and assemble them as a narrative. This App is designed and optimized for the visual touchscreens of tablets,” said Reece.

As eBooks continue their torrid growth the personal photo book will naturally progress to the tablet. For generations people have kept their personal photo books alongside the classics on their bookshelves and this desire will continue in the eBook and tablet world. Now there is an opportunity to embed more context and narrative in the personal memory book. “We've re-imagined the personal photo book to take advantage of the tablet and eBook world,” said Reece. “For example visual tags will accompany photos on the page and for photos with geo-coordinates, the photo book will include an Atlas of places you've been.”

“It's time to help people use their post-pc devices to create, not just consume,” argues Reece.

So far, tablets have primarily been consumption devices. One reason is that software and developers take time to transition from mouse and keyboard to a touch, gesture, and speech interface in their design. Content creation is the next frontier for tablets. “Apps like Flipboard have found success by re-purposing professional content for tablets and smartphones in a visually appealing way, ePublisher does the same thing for personally created content,” says Reece. “Tablets have primarily been consumption devices so far, now with ePublisher they will be creation devices as well.”

Find ePublisher in the Nook App Store: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/epublisher-photos-app-mishow-corporation/1109572909?ean=2940043886439&itm=1&usri=epublisher
Jules Steinman