Honor Flight Lands in Nevada

Honor Flight Nevada has finally landed in the “Battle Born” State of Nevada and will lead its first group of World War II (WWII) veterans to Washington, D.C. this summer to visit the National WWII Memorial. The mission of Honor Flight is to transport America’s veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit those memorials dedicated to honor their sacrifices.

Reno, NV, March 30, 2012 --(PR.com)-- This will be the first Honor Flight Nevada. Although some veterans have flown to D.C. with other groups, this will commence Honor Flights based out of Nevada. Honor Flight Nevada already has veterans signed up to participate. Veterans are not permitted to pay for their trip; it is with donations and gifts from grateful citizens and corporations that provide their experience. Top priority is given to America’s most senior and frail veterans – survivors of World War II or any veteran with a terminal illness who wishes to visit his or her memorial.

“We made the commitment to do this as long as there are local WWII and other veterans able and ready to go,” said Jon Yuspa, Founder and Chairman of Honor Flight Nevada.

Having volunteered on Honor Flights, Yuspa learned from veterans’ family members how their loved ones opened up, after their trip, about their service experiences. “All of a sudden, they come to life and are sharing their stories. That has been rich, because with that sharing comes a first-hand experience with history.”

Of the 38,000 men and women from Nevada who served during the campaign, it is estimated that only a couple thousand are still alive. “It is a privilege to honor the courageous actions of these humble servicemen and women,” said Yuspa.

The cost of each Honor Flight Nevada trip will be approximately $110,000, all funded by corporate and private sector donations. Honor Flight Nevada is part of the Honor Flight Network; a program conceived in 2004 by Earl Morse, a physician’s assistant and retired Air Force captain. Currently, more than 100 Honor Flight hubs across the country are actively working to provide their local veterans with a similar opportunity.

In addition to visiting the WWII memorial, Honor Flight Nevada veterans will see the Lincoln, Vietnam, Korean and Iwo Jima memorials. They will also tour the Arlington National Cemetery where they will observe the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

Honor Flight Nevada
Jon Yuspa