Article by Success Mentors International Offers Tips on Teaching and Coaching

A new article by Delva Rebin of Success Mentors International (SMI) reveals some top tips for being an effective teacher, coach or instructor.

Saskatoon, Canada, June 27, 2012 --( Sometimes the thing that makes a lesson really stick is not the information, but the person teaching it. Excellent teachers, coaches and trainers have the ability to make any material accessible, interesting and easy to understand. Below are a few of the tips that Delva Rebin of Success Mentors International offers on how to make this possible, which can be found in her article, "Coaching Skills: 6 Leadership Tips for Effective Instruction, Teaching, Training and Mentoring":

1. “It may seem pretty obvious,” Rebin says, “but one of the best things you can do to be an effective instructor or coach is to know what you are talking about. Not only does this make you sound more professional in a structured presentation, but it will allow you to comfortably approach the subject matter from several angles to help different types of learners understand your message.”

2. Rebin also recommends: “Focus your language, examples and approach to your audience, whether you are coaching one person or an entire group. You're looking for listeners to personally relate to what you are talking about. You're going to take a different approach when speaking to children, seniors, teenagers and all other sorts of groups.”

3. In addition, Rebin suggests that you remember that “some people learn through listening and some learn through seeing. Your formal or informal presentation should always address both. Visual aids are never a bad idea, just don't overdo it or you'll have everyone looking at them instead of paying attention to what your lips are saying.”

It's important to remember that your effectiveness as an instructor directly affects the people you teach. Rebin reminds us: “The coaching skills you develop throughout your career will not only help you become a better speaker and employee, but will help your proteges as well.”

However, these are just a few of the tips that Rebin includes in her full-length article, which can be accessed here:,-Teaching,-Training-and-Mentoring&id=6911906

Success Mentors International also offer tips on overcoming your public speaking fears in their free e-book, 50 Tips to Calm Your Public Speaking Nerves:
Success Mentors International
Niki Rebin