Becomes First IRDA Approved Online Web Aggregator in India has become the 1st IRDA (Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority of India) approved insurance comparison website in India, having received this license on Saturday July 14, 2012. With this license from IRDA, MyInsuranceClub is officially allowed to compare premiums and features of insurance policies online.

Mumbai, India, July 18, 2012 --( Deepak Yohannan, CEO of MyInsuranceClub says: “We are ecstatic as this is a big moment for us. Being the 1st to receive this approval is a landmark event and we will now focus on providing a much improved and superior offering to the customer. Insurance Comparison is one big game changer that could have happened to the insurance space. It democratises availability of information and gives free and instant access to everyone at the click of a few buttons. User can easily compare premiums and then proceed to buy the policy online on the insurance company’s website. It is safe and transparent. Also, I feel if web aggregators are supported by insurance companies then it will result in drop in premiums, as costs of transacting online are much less compared to the other modes of sale.”

Online insurance aggregation is a big hit with consumers in many developed markets and there is no reason why consumers in India should not get the benefits of simple and accurate comparison of policies. It saves time, increases competition and hence delivers better products to the end consumer. Manoj Aswani, Vice-President at MyInsuranceClub adds “We are very excited with this development. The IRDA approval actually puts a stamp of authenticity on the activities which we do and should go a long way in building trust among the consumers. Being a regulated entity brings in a host of challenges on the kind of activities we do and how we do them, but at the end of the day, they are all beneficial for the end-consumer. Hence, we think this is a step in the right direction.”

The presence of insurance web aggregators is a boon to the Indian customers as they now have access to premiums of insurance policies from multiple companies in one place. This platform helps customers to independently choose a product which meets their preference of price, brand and policy benefits. Web aggregators can play an important role in promoting zero-commission products, which no intermediary is interested to sell. The huge success of low-cost online term insurance plans is a good example where web aggregators displayed these zero-commission products for the benefit of their visitors. Increasing number of online plans are being launched by insurance companies which will be priced much lower compared to offline plans.

Announcing this, Deepak Yohannan, CEO, said, “Through a high-tech, analytics driven model, is able to provide unbiased price and feature comparison for consumers; market information and education for insurance agents and a unique leads aggregation service for under-writers. It is far superior to what is otherwise commonly available. This is the result of’s partnership with one of the world’s largest web usability companies.”

What does do?

For consumers: Buying an insurance policy is not an easy decision for anybody. This situation is made worse by the fact that there are many products from many companies with different features. Distinguishing one from the other is often difficult even for the financially savvy. starts by breaking down the jargon associated with the insurance industry. It then offers an unbiased, independent and up-to-date search capability across multiple insurance providers and directs users to the insurer that best meets their individual requirements at the best possible price.

For insurance companies: To sustain the huge investments and marketing programs that Indian insurance companies are making they need to grow fast. A supply of high-quality prospective customers interested to buy insurance products is a critical enabler to the sales machines of the large insurance companies. with its network of relationships with a large number of insurance companies is perfectly poised to address this need of the burgeoning Indian insurance industry.
Mr. Deepak Yohannan
+91 022 28463454