New Author Obskure Releases First Book of Poetry "Rhythmic Words"

Silver Spring, MD, July 29, 2012 --( Obskure’s first book entitled “Rhythmic “Words” will be released under the publishing entity of Daughters of Distinction, LLC (, created and managed by Trena D. Stephenson.

According to Obskure “… Rhythmic Words, Vol. 1 is a project 15+ years in the making…” Suffering from debilitating migraine headaches and other physical ailments since the young age of 14, Obskure’s only respite from the incessant pain was through creating a personal inner sanctum via the simultaneous usage of rhythm and words which throughout the years she transferred to one of her dozens of journals. It is truly a blessing that Obskure has been able to continue to write while enduring such pain. Hundreds of poems were penned while she was literally fighting with, fighting against, and ultimately fighting through this ordeal.

Obskure was born 1973 and raised in Washington, DC and is the younger of two daughters to Dr’s Timothy and Priscilla Penn. Obskure first began writing poetry in 1993 after a conversation with her Mom, where she asked, “How do you write?” After this, Obskure wrote her first poem that very evening and has penned over 1,000 poems since.

Obskure currently resides in Pennsylvania where she enjoys listening to all genres of music. Music is her passion and it flows into the compilation of the published work -- Rhythmic Words. She has a daily routine of practicing drums and timbales to perfect her craft. The rhythmic beats that Obskure produces are reminiscent of tribal resonances.

To learn more or to contact Obskure visit:

“Rhythmic Words”, is now available for purchase at
Daughters of Distinction LLC
Trena Stephenson