Barbara Harper, RN, Author of Gentle Birth Choices, Discusses Choices and Controversies in Childbirth, at Vanderbilt

Midwives, Homebirths, Waterbirths - Oh My. More Women Demanding Choice

Nashville, TN, June 27, 2007 --( Ricki Lake just made an independent movie about it, we all get here because of it and many women experience it every day – birth. With elective c-sections on the rise, alternatives like waterbirth gaining popularity and Vanderbilt’s growing nurse-midwifery program, the once hush-hush topic of contractions is being “pushed” into every day conversation. Women are demanding more choice and being more active in the decisions regarding their care when it comes to the precious time of giving birth. Instead of spending time picking out pink or blue booties, many expecting parents today spend time taking classes and reading books, magazines and websites gathering information in order to make decisions regarding what will happen in labor and birth.

Barbara Harper, RN internationally recognized birth expert to make rare workshop appearance for expecting families and birth professionals at Nashville's Vanderbilt University’s School of Nursing August 28-29, 2007.

Harper, the founder of Waterbirth International, author of Gentle Birth Choices and producer of the film of the same name, will address expecting couples Tuesday evening, August 28th at a workshop titled: I want a Healthy, Happy Baby – Do My Birth choices Really Matter?

On the 29th, Harper will spend the day exploring the topic: "Embracing Gentle Birth in a High Tech World" to midwives, doctors, nurses, doulas and other birthing professionals from across the South.

"I talk to parents every day who are scared, confused and looking for direction. They don’t even know what options are available in our area." says Micky Jones, event coordinator and owner of Nine Months and Beyond, LLC, "Barbara has lectured worldwide on the pressing topic of gentle birth and birthing choices. Both parents and professionals will have an opportunity to learn what options are available here and around the world. It’s nice to know birth can be a special event – not just scary and excruciatingly painful."

The event will feature topics such as how to keep birth undisturbed, identifying and resolving fear, the influence of birth practices on breastfeeding and bonding, and neuroscience of mother / baby skin to skin contact. Nashville's own Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nine Months and Beyond, LLC and Vintage Remedies will host the two-day event featuring Internationally recognized Barbara Harper, RN.

In addition to Harper's discussion, the expecting couples night will feature a panel of local birthing experts, door prizes and a goody bag loaded with samples and information on birthing and parenting products. Thursday's event will run from 6-8 pm and the fee is $5 a person or $8 a couple. Friday's professional workshop is limited to childbirth professionals and offers a course syllabus, CEUs, snacks and more door prizes. The fee for professionals is $65, however, several student and affiliation discounts are available. Both events will be held at the Vanderbilt School of Nursing Campus. For more information or to register for either conference, go to or call 931-451-3223 ext. 2.


Barbara Harper, RN is available for interviews. To schedule an interview, please contact Jackie Stearns, General Manager – Waterbirth International at or 1-800-641-2229.

For event information or sponsorship/advertising opportunities contact:
contact. Micky Jones, CLE, CLD, CHBE
phone. 931-451-3223 ext 2
mobile. 615-414-4982
9 Months & Beyond, LLC
Micky Jones