Money Saving Tips by Senior Helpers of Seattle, Ruth Jelinek, Client Care Coordinator, Seattle

Simple Steps Help Seniors Conserve Energy and Save Money

Seattle, WA, December 13, 2012 --( Leading in-home senior care provider urges families to help seniors “Go Green.”

Provided to you today by Ruth Jelinek, Senior Helpers Client Care Coordinator, M.A.

The nation is more focused than ever on saving energy and taking care of the environment. However for the elderly, “going green” may not be the easiest thing to understand or do. That’s why Senior Helpers, the fastest growing provider of in-home care for seniors, is urging families to follow these simple tips to help their elderly loved ones save hundreds of dollars in energy costs and help save the planet for future generations.

“The U.S. Department of Energy reports consumers spend 6 to 12% of their incomes on energy and that is a big hit for seniors on a budget,” says Pete Jelinek with Senior Helpers in Seattle. “These are simple tips family members can help their elderly loved ones take to not only save hundreds of dollars but also save energy.”

Compact fluorescent bulbs are a bright idea for cutting costs. However not all CFL’s produce the same type of light. To get that traditional warm light people prefer, look for a CFL with a Kelvin temperature of 2,600 to 3,000. CFL’s do cost more, but they usually last 10X longer than incandescent bulbs and can save up to $60 in electricity per light over their lifetime.

Appliances with a clock, charger, or remote use electricity even when the device isn’t being used. In fact, of the total electricity used to run home electronics, 40% is used when the appliances are turned off. The best thing, pull the plug when not in use.

Hot water heaters built before 2004 don’t have as much insulation. Wrap the heater in an insulating blanket, and save 10%, or $30 off your water heating bill.

Get your furnace tuned up and save 10% off your heating bill.

For every degree the thermostat is lowered during the heating season, save 5% on your bill. Seniors need to be careful not to keep their house too cold however. A programmable thermostat is a better alternative because it will adjust the temperature when you’re away or asleep. They cost about $70, but it saves more than twice its price in a year.

Use cold water to wash your clothes and save 50% of the energy you would use for hot water. Use the moisture sensor, not the timer on the dryer, and save 15%.

Weather-strip the front and back doors and save $30 per year in energy costs.

Install low flow shower heads and faucets, and save 50% of the energy and 25-60% of the water needed to shower. Older shower heads use 5.5 gallons per minute, the newer ones use about half that amount or less. That can save $30-$100 per year. Check for leaky faucets and toilets as well. Leaky faucets can lose 2,700 gallons of water per year. A leaky toilet can lose 200 gallons per day.

Run full loads of clothes and dishes. Most of the energy is used to heat a set amount of water, so running smaller loads wastes energy and water.

Media Contact:
Pete Jelinek
206 218 6072

About Senior Helpers:
Senior Helpers connects professional caregivers with seniors who wish to live at home as opposed to a nursing or assisted living facility. The company has 280 franchises in 38 states and offers a wide range of personal and companion care services to assist seniors living independently with a strong focus on quality of life for the client and peace of mind for their families. Senior Helpers strives to be the leading companion and personal care provider that offers dependable, consistent and affordable home care. For more information, please visit: Seattle

Contact: Pete Jelinek 206 218 6072
Senior Helpers of Seattle
Ruth Jelinek
425 656 8811