Crap-Free Guide to Twitter Success Launches Book Series

The Crap-Free Guide series of how-to eBooks has launched with their first title "The Crap-Free Guide to Twitter Success" on the iTunes bookstore.

Cincinnati, OH, January 23, 2013 --( "The Crap-Free Guide to Twitter Success" is the first title in the "Crap-Free Guides" series of simpler how-to eBooks. The book demystifies Twitter and helps individuals as well as businesses develop a thriving presence there.

Author J. Kevin Wolfe (@wolfewithane) felt the current how-to instructional book series weren't cutting it. "They focus on doing a thousand little things. You can read and weed through the crap to discover there's no real formula there to make it all work. The Crap-Free Guides series boils it down to what's really necessary for success. It presents a simple plan in easy-to-follow steps that have been proven to work." Wolfe states that the books are designed to be read and understood in a few hours. "And everything you could possibly want to know about Twitter is chocked into an FAQ at the end."

"The Crap-Free Guide to Twitter" was chosen as the first book in this series for numerous reasons according to Wolfe. "Twitter is still growing in popularity for both individuals and businesses, and more importantly, people are still trying to figure out how to use it."

"The Crap-Free Guide to Twitter Success" is currently available through the iTunes Bookstore at The book uses iTunes new DRM-Free option, so once downloaded, it can be read on a Nook or any ePub reader.

More about "The Crap-Free Guide" series of how-to eBooks at

J. Kevin Wolfe (alias Wolfe with an e) is a professional social instigator. When not tweeting for a living, he blogs, plays the ukulele and participates in popular, back-alley, knife-throwing competitions. More at
Crap-Free Guides
J. Kevin Wolfe