Publishing of Declarations of a Penitent Man

This is a book that has been long in the coming. A compilations of poetry that spans a few years and covers everything from intense love to loathing hatred.

Johannesburg, South Africa, September 27, 2007 --( The Declarations of Penitent man by Denver Fredericks:

This is a compilation of hurts, loss, triumphs and credo... each of these having been dedicated each to a special people or persons that has been encountered along the author's life journey.

“A work of love and its elations and wonder; then also the downside accompanied by its wrath, nastiness and loathsome nature and also the human manifestation thereof. Also for those moments of intense empathy and realizations I have penned work. These include my declarations, my apologies, my expressions and my thanks.” – Denver Fredericks

The author has been published before and has eventually put a large majority of this work into a compilation. An enjoyable rollercoaster ride covering a range of emotions.

Denver Fredericks
00 27 84 73 64851