Robert Dunn of Univ. of Kansas to Speak at Bioanalytical Sensors Mtg, May 22-23, 2014, Cambridge, MA

Cambridge, MA, April 02, 2014 --( Robert Dunn, Professor of Chemistry at the Adams Institute of Bioanalytical Chemistry, University of Kansas, is to give a presentation titled “Multiplexed Lable-Free Biosensing Using Whispering Gallery Mode Imaging” at the Inaugural Bioanalytical Sensors Conference, May 22 & 23, 2014 in Cambridge, MA by GTC.

Robert C. Dunn, Ph.D., is a Professor of Chemistry in the Adams Institute of Bioanalytical Chemistry at the University of Kansas. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physical chemistry from the University of California, San Diego and carried out postdoctoral research at Pacific Northwest Laboratories before joining the faculty at Kansas. His group has contributed to the development of new high resolution optical approaches such as near-field scanning optical microscopy and integrated new sensing schemes with atomic force microscopy. Recently his group has applied single molecule techniques to study protein channel gating, develop new methods for studying biological membranes, and develop new approaches for biosensing.

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Kristen Starkey
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Monrovia, CA 91016
fax: 626-466-4433