FutureSource Summit Launches as Mexico’s First Major Conference on Enterprise Outsourcing, Tech Exchange and Human Capital Development
November Summit highlights cross-border IT exchange and better outsourcing practices.
Mexico City, Mexico, July 24, 2014 --(PR.com)-- FutureSource Group and Next Coast Media have announced the dates and venue for the launch of FutureSource Summit, a conference designed to showcase the new tools, insights and connections that North American corporations can gain by working with Mexican outsourcing providers, in-house IT centers, software partners and service providers. One of the key components of FutureSource is to explore the opportunities that technology has created within the dynamic Mexican economy and examine how international companies can take advantage of these opportunities.
FutureSource Summit is aimed towards IT business professionals, IT admins, business intelligence leaders, sourcing executives, call center professionals and decision makers. FutureSource Summit aims to highlight the significance of Mexico as an emerging hub for global outsourcing companies to serve customers in the USA and Latin America.
“Mexico’s has made huge strides in the last few years in the areas of higher-end software development, digital animation and business process services, while also accelerating its focus on training young people for careers in science and technology related industries,” said Kirk Laughlin, Managing Director of FutureSource Group and Nearshore Americas, a co-sponsor of the summit. “At the same time, Mexico’s largest corporations have gained increasing benefit from working with major global IT consultancies to improve their efficiencies and market performance. We see FutureSource as filling a critical gap in the understanding of what outsourcing can do for businesses in Mexico, the United States and globally.”
The summit will comprise several panels and sessions that aim to discuss the emergence of new markets and opportunities in the Mexican economy. Some of the topics that will headline these panels and conferences include:
-Talent Development for the Brave New World of IT
What are companies doing to find and retain the savvy, skilled, certified professionals they need?
-Outsourcing. The fast track to achieve your business goals?
The topic of the ever-growing outsourcing market will be discussed among with the IT elements that are required to have a successful outsourcing strategy.
-What’s next in the National Digital Strategy
A discussion on the National Digital Strategy, an action plan created by the Government of Mexico that will be carried out in the next five years to foster the adoption and development of Information Technologies.
-From North to South. Growing Mexican cities
A conference that will address the key drivers behind the dramatic development of Tijuana, Merida, Pachuca, and the region of El Bajío as IT, BPO, automotive, aeronautic and assembling powerhouses.
-IT-driven industries, empowering innovation
Experts in this panel will address the key drivers behind innovation and scientific advances in companies in the fields of Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Aerospace and others.
-The FutureSource summit will be held on November 6-7 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Mexico City.
Registration is now open for the conference, and several sponsorship opportunities remain.
About FutureSource Group
FutureSource Group is a global services-focused media and research organization based in Mexico. Their mission is to create a space for reflection and knowledge generation in America in order to promote higher levels of performance and profitability that will leverage the capabilities of the global IT services and outsourcing industries.
About Nearshore Americas
Nearshore Americas is an independent online business news and research services provider dedicated to expanding knowledge around the fastest growing IT services and business process outsourcing market in the world – Latin America. As one of the world’s leading online resources for the global services industry, Nearshore Americas is committed to providing high value information and data for business, finance and IT leaders in the Americas. Nearshore Americas is owned and published by US-based Next Coast Media, which has offices in New York City, Mexico City and San Jose Costa Rica.
For more information contact
In Mexico:
Ana Karina Toral
FutureSource Director of Conferences and Marketing
In the United States:
Kirk Laughlin - Next Coast Media Managing Director
FutureSource Summit is aimed towards IT business professionals, IT admins, business intelligence leaders, sourcing executives, call center professionals and decision makers. FutureSource Summit aims to highlight the significance of Mexico as an emerging hub for global outsourcing companies to serve customers in the USA and Latin America.
“Mexico’s has made huge strides in the last few years in the areas of higher-end software development, digital animation and business process services, while also accelerating its focus on training young people for careers in science and technology related industries,” said Kirk Laughlin, Managing Director of FutureSource Group and Nearshore Americas, a co-sponsor of the summit. “At the same time, Mexico’s largest corporations have gained increasing benefit from working with major global IT consultancies to improve their efficiencies and market performance. We see FutureSource as filling a critical gap in the understanding of what outsourcing can do for businesses in Mexico, the United States and globally.”
The summit will comprise several panels and sessions that aim to discuss the emergence of new markets and opportunities in the Mexican economy. Some of the topics that will headline these panels and conferences include:
-Talent Development for the Brave New World of IT
What are companies doing to find and retain the savvy, skilled, certified professionals they need?
-Outsourcing. The fast track to achieve your business goals?
The topic of the ever-growing outsourcing market will be discussed among with the IT elements that are required to have a successful outsourcing strategy.
-What’s next in the National Digital Strategy
A discussion on the National Digital Strategy, an action plan created by the Government of Mexico that will be carried out in the next five years to foster the adoption and development of Information Technologies.
-From North to South. Growing Mexican cities
A conference that will address the key drivers behind the dramatic development of Tijuana, Merida, Pachuca, and the region of El Bajío as IT, BPO, automotive, aeronautic and assembling powerhouses.
-IT-driven industries, empowering innovation
Experts in this panel will address the key drivers behind innovation and scientific advances in companies in the fields of Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Aerospace and others.
-The FutureSource summit will be held on November 6-7 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Mexico City.
Registration is now open for the conference, and several sponsorship opportunities remain.
About FutureSource Group
FutureSource Group is a global services-focused media and research organization based in Mexico. Their mission is to create a space for reflection and knowledge generation in America in order to promote higher levels of performance and profitability that will leverage the capabilities of the global IT services and outsourcing industries.
About Nearshore Americas
Nearshore Americas is an independent online business news and research services provider dedicated to expanding knowledge around the fastest growing IT services and business process outsourcing market in the world – Latin America. As one of the world’s leading online resources for the global services industry, Nearshore Americas is committed to providing high value information and data for business, finance and IT leaders in the Americas. Nearshore Americas is owned and published by US-based Next Coast Media, which has offices in New York City, Mexico City and San Jose Costa Rica.
For more information contact
In Mexico:
Ana Karina Toral
FutureSource Director of Conferences and Marketing
In the United States:
Kirk Laughlin - Next Coast Media Managing Director
FutureSource Group
Ana Toral
Ana Toral
