eBook Release - "With Loyalty Came Love"

First romance novel by R. Gayle Hawkins. For sale on Google Play, BookTango, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Scribd and Kobo..

Damascus, VA, December 18, 2014 --(PR.com)-- R. Gayle Hawkins publishes first romance novel using BookTango.com. With Loyalty Came Love is her first historical romance novel. As it is her first professional writing experience, she chose to publish her eBook through BookTango.

Since her publication, she began promoting her novel through various online sources and local libraries. Promotion series is taking place on ebookreviewgal.com. Facebook and Google+1 also display information on R. Gayle Hawkins and "With Loyalty Came Love." She is currently working on her next publication and promoting her current novel.

Upon disablement from Multiple Sclerosis and unable to find activities to keep her brain in motion, R. Gayle Hawkins took to writing her first novel. The illness and death of her father hindered the process, but did not keep it from completion. As she realizes life can limit many, she continues to push forward with the adventure of writing.

The projected release date for most eBook sites is December 18. The eBook is available for purchase on Scribd at this moment. Other various markets to carry it soon are Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google and Kobo.
R. Gayle Hawkins