Pee-Protection Against Deer for Your Shrubs This Winter

Coyote Urine is an all natural solution for winter deer problems.

Lincoln, ME, November 17, 2007 --( As winter sets in, deer set their sights on the shrubs and ornamentals around your home for fast and easy meals. One of the more unique ways to save those plants is by using coyote urine. According to Ken Johnson of, because deer are the favorite prey of coyotes, the scent of coyote urine stops deer in their tracks. According to Johnson, “in the wild, the scent of urine is the primary way animals communicate. That is how they find prey, find a mate and how they keep from becoming prey themselves.”

Because coyote urine is all natural, its use is becoming more and more widespread as homeowners seek to find non-chemical, environmentally-friendly solutions to wild animal pest problems. Numerous studies have been conducted regarding how deer react to coyote urine. The studies consistently have yielded the same results as those conducted by the Colorado State University Extension Service which found coyote urine was “highly effective” as a deterrent to both deer and elk.

The dollar value of deer damage is huge. Research compiled by the University of Maryland Policy Center found that the average value of shrubbery lost or damaged by deer in the Northeast was in excess of $500 per household in 1997.

With the arrival of cold weather, deer switch to woody twigs and branches as their primary source of food. In many areas, shrubs are an irresistible gourmet cafeteria for deer. They are lush, easy to access and just the right height. To break up the feast, coyote urine is placed in wicking dispensers and hung on shrubbery every 6-10 feet to create a scent barrier. Deer react instinctively to the scent and go somewhere else to feed. Coyote Urine sells on the website for $19.99 for a 12 oz bottle with free shipping. It is also available in a granule form.

Lexington Outdoors, Inc.
Erica Lambert
33 Lakeview St.
Lincoln, ME 04457