Telemental Health Staffing Services Now Available

TeleMental Health Institute (TMHI) now offers staffing services for telemental health needs. These services are offered on an introductory or more extensive level.

San Diego, CA, June 01, 2015 --( TeleMental Health Institute (TMHI) assists behavioral health hospitals, clinics, agencies and groups find telehealth staffing solutions through a simple, direct process that automates the process, removes the guesswork, and allows employers to locate and hire telehealth specialty professionals quickly and easily through the internet. TMHI offers telemedicine staffing solutions to employers who cannot meet excess patient needs with local staff by hiring remote clinical specialists who have had behavioral telehealth training. As the telemental health world’s leading telemedicine staffing solution for behavioral healthcare, TMHI has trained more than 3,000 licensed professionals, most of whom are eager to obtain employment via telehealth.

The telemental health professionals at TMHI come from more than 39 countries worldwide and span behavioral disciplines, including telepsychiatrists, telepsychologists, online therapists, distance counselors, telespeech therapists, telebehavioral analysts and more. TMHI has established a database of self-starters who have sought training on their own to meet telehealth needs.

For agencies that need more than an initial introduction to a qualified professional TMHI offers extended services. The optional services include structured video-based employment interviews of selected applicants, credentialing to match agency specifications, and referrals to other telehealth specialty professionals. TMHI offers a viable connection for employers to expand capacity meet global needs of those seeking telehealth services more quickly and easily than ever before.
Telehealth Institute
Marlene Maheu