Keep Your Dog from Becoming a Statistic During the Fourth of July Festivities

Earth Heart Inc. offers 6 ideas on creating a calm safe home for your dog during fireworks season.

Dundee, IL, June 30, 2015 --( July 5th is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters because July 4th is the worst day of the year for runaway pets. Animal Control Services see a 30% jump in calls between July 4th and July 6th, and sadly less than 14% of lost pets are returned to their owners.

Avoiding fireworks completely is difficult. It’s not just the hours of 8 pm to midnight when the big firecrackers in the yard can be all it takes for your pet to become a statistic.

Sometimes it’s the dogs that have never shown signs of fear that get lost because the owners haven’t had a need to take precautions. Even if a dog has never run away or startled from noises, his hearing can change with aging, and noises that didn’t bother him in the past can suddenly become a problem.

For especially fearful dogs, the best advice is to keep them inside and contained during July 4th festivities. To help families prepare, Earth Heart offers six ideas on how to create a calm safe home:

1. Keep your dog on a leash when in or out of the home to prevent bolting from unexpected noises or flashes of light.

2. Be sure your pet is wearing a visible up-to-date ID tag on the collar, and carry a current photo of your pet with you.

3. Take a long walk, play hard and make sure your dog’s bladder and bowels are empty before festivities begin.

4. Keep your dog in a crate or small room during festivities with favorite toys and foods available. Swaddle your pet with an anxiety wrap if needed.

5. Play soft gentle music in the room where your dog is staying. Close doors, windows and shades to dampen loud noises and bright lights.

6. Spray the room or crate pillow as needed with a calming mist. Talk gently as scolding only confuses the dog and reinforces fearful behavior.

You can download Earth Heart's July 4th Infographic with these six tips at
Earth Heart Inc.
Vicki Rae Thorne
Fax: 847-637-0460