Fiction Novel "A Life Singular: Part One" Receives Official Selection Honors in the New Apple Indie E-Book Awards

Dayton, OH, December 25, 2015 --( "A Life Singular: Part One" by Lorraine Pestell receives Official Selection Honors in the General Fiction category of the 2015 New Apple Summer eBook Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing.

Book Synopsis
The first in a seven-part contemporary fiction serial following a successful rock musician writing his autobiography after the tragic loss of his wife. In essence a love story, the book’s themes are triumph over adversity, the choices we make between right and wrong, and how one affects the other in the relentless passage of time. What do you do when you lose the one who gave your life meaning? You write about it. Jeff Diamond had built a life of influence, adulation and wealth by making the right choices for the right reasons. He lived by the law of reciprocity, a lesson learned on the streets as a teenager with nothing but an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Plagued by the scars of a violent childhood, he created his vision and fought for it. And once he no longer needed to fight for himself, he fought for others. Yet when Jeff’s dream girl was taken from him and their children by the ignorant act of a jealous misfit from his own home town, the millionnaire realised just how far he had come. Why had he succeeded when so many like him fail? It wasn’t complicated. The secret lay in the endless pursuit of life’s two magic ingredients: love and wisdom. Now Lynn was gone, he resolved to use his remaining days to account for their life in a way that would inspire young people to make his type of choice rather than García’s. Then, after their story was written, he would be free to go after her, to begin the whole incredible journey over again. Everyone has a life singular: one; unique; extraordinary.

About the Author
Lorraine Pestell was born in London and has had a successful career as an Information Technology professional in the UK, US, Europe, Singapore, and more recently Australia. She currently resides in Melbourne, Victoria, and began her literary journey in 2008. Although working full-time, Lorraine finds that volunteering time and energy to those less fortunate is an effective antidote to life-long depression and the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Sales proceeds from her writing go to two Australian non-profit organizations assisting disadvantaged young people with their education: EdConnect Australia and The Smith Family. The idea for A Life Singular originated in her teens, and has developed over forty years as her life’s work; an invaluable therapeutic vehicle for her personal experience and to unpick life’s more complex and controversial social justice issues. Lorraine has two main goals for her writing: first, to encourage fellow sufferers of mental illness to rise above their symptoms; and second, to encourage non-sufferers to tolerate, support and even love those afflicted in their quest to live normal lives.

About the New Apple Book Awards
The New Apple Summer eBook Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing was established to honor the creative achievements of the unsung books fighting for their place within the digital publishing world. Any English language book published within the last three years, currently available for sale by an independent author or small press that met the Awards' guidelines was eligible for entry. One book was chosen in each category as the Medalist Winner receiving the highest honors. In addition, the judges were permitted to choose up to three Official Selections for category distinction.

Contact Information
A Life Singular: Part One is available in paperback and eBook and can be purchased at Amazon. To find out more about the New Apple Book Awards, visit

A Life Singular: Part One
Author: Lorraine Pestell
Publishing House: Self-Published
Author website:
Twitter: @LorrainePestell
Lorraine Pestell is available for public appearances, signings, interviews and blog tours. Contact the author at

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