French Edition of "Selfless Self," a Companion to Nisargadatta's "I Am That" - Out Now

"Le Soi Sans Rien," the French Translaton of "Selfless Self," just published, is an important book from the Self-Realized Master, Shri Ramakant Maharaj who spent nearly 20 years with the legendary Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Vancouver, Canada, April 16, 2016 --( The French edition of 'Selfless Self: Talks with Shri Ramakant Maharaj' has just been published. 'Le Soi Sans Rien: Entretiens avec Shri Ramakant Maharaj' follows 'Je Suis'. Alan Jacobs, President of Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK, was the first person to announce: “Ramakant Maharaj is Nisargadatta Maharaj's successor, and 'Selfless Self', the natural successor to 'I Am That'”.

This important book from Self-Realized Master, Shri Ramakant, direct disciple of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, was first published, in English, in 2015. Watkins Books, London, describes it as a “companion to I Am That”, while others claim that its simple clarity actually unravels 'I Am That'.

Ann Shaw, editor of 'Selfless Self', explained: “When Nisargadatta Maharaj left his body in 1981, he left behind him a massive hole which seemed impossible to fill. But now, no longer! Ramakant Maharaj, is an authentic, Realized Master who conveys the highest spontaneous and direct knowledge with utter simplicity. This is unprecedented”.

The Master's teachings are unadulterated, powerful and transformative, as many seekers continue to find out first-hand, either from reading the book and/or visiting him in person. Many who have given feedback say that this book has finally brought them to completion. It has taken them Home. Others have expressed their conviction that they will never need to read another book again. “'Selfless Self' has become my bible”, said one reader, and you only need one bible. This is what I have been waiting for. This is IT!”.

Jean-Claude Dhainaut, the translator of 'Le Soi Sans Rien', offers an excellent example of the impact the book had on him. He can only use one word to describe his experience, and that word is “miraculous”.

He explains: “Last year, almost as soon as I had started reading 'Selfless Self', I immediately felt compelled to write down some lines. The power and clarity coming through the Master's words was so immense that I began translating into French, what I thought were the most revolutionary passages. I wrote down everything by hand.

“I had never translated a book before, and certainly not one that was 500 pages in length! It was as if 'Selfless Self' was propelling me forward. The book was completed within eight months. Shri Ramakant describes 'Selfless Self' as a miracle. Well, 'Le Soi Sans Rien' is also truly nothing but a miracle”.

“A Self-Realized Master is essential”, says the Master. “So many people teaching today with only book knowledge, (what he terms 'dry' or 'literal' knowledge), some body experiences, but no knowledge in a 'Real' sense, no Self-Knowledge! How can they guide? This is like the blind leading the blind”. He often says, “Everyone should be enlightened because when you see through the illusory world, your suffering will come to an end”.

His sincere wish is for these teachings to spread across the globe. The publication of 'Le Soi Sans Rien', as well as other translations in progress, are bringing the Master's wish closer to fruition.

'Le Soi Sans Rien: Entretiens avec Shri Ramakant Maharaj' is available both from Amazon and large bookshops.
Ann Shaw