ChangeNexus Introduces a New Way to Change

A Management Hack and Technology to Help Manage Change.

Palo Alto, CA, October 02, 2016 --( Paul Wilson, CEO of ChangeNexus Inc. believes that humanity, organizations and individuals, are in a continuous battle to grasp the true power of change. He says that for the team at ChangeNexus, this is a life-long interest and they talk about a way of understanding and implementing change. They recently announced their principle of "The Change AEfect" and technology to enable it.

Wilson refers to an HBR article, "Why does over 70% of change fail in organizations?" (HBR, 2016). He believes it's because the majority of people, organizations and advisory practices don't understand that both Change Affects and Effects need to be managed, as integral parts of a single Business Action.

In somewhat similar verbiage, the IOCMI calls this "Organizational Change Management" or OCM.

Wilson mentions at least two foundational problems, he sees in businesses grappling with Strategic Change:

Firstly, on the Affect side of change, the Project Management Institute (PMI), businesses, and consultants may incorrectly describe strategic initiatives as projects when initiatives should be core operational actions that create Strategic Affect.

Secondly, on the Effect side of change, PROSCI and the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP), suggests Wilson, may be incorrectly describing Change Management as only the people side of change, i.e. managing only the effects of change on people.

Is this confusion the reason for the following research outcomes?

Wilson cites McKinsey, who in an article defines "Short-terminism" as the symptomatic behavior of management not giving enough attention to the long-term needs of the business.

He references another study which suggests that 70% of management do not engage with Strategic Initiatives. He suggests that it may be because executives tend to delegate initiatives as projects.

He insists that there is a substantial part of managing change in business that gets left out. He argues that there is also "...everything else about the organization where change needs to be affected and the effects need to be managed, not only people."

He continues, "What about policies, processes, procedures, physical locations, technology etc? They need to be changed as part of a broadly managed strategic change approach like OCM."

He talks from experience, that "...often management don’t have the time to manage the Affects and Effects required to ready the organization for future earnings."

He believes that typically, Affects and Effects are respectively delegated to "Project Managers" and "Change Managers" - He points out "...there’s a time penalty in doing this, change then requires a budget, hence probably won't happen or will take years to get agreement on budget. Why not simply have change as part of the business core? This way, everyone becomes part of it."

Wilson suggests to consider how management typically spend their day "Think about your day's actions. What percentage are you using to affect change and what percentage are you using to manage the effects of changes? Are you using multiple applications, email, documents, presentations and spreadsheets to manage business improvements and strategies for growth?" The American Psychology Association researched this topic and data indicates that 40% of management's time is wasted switching between applications.

Wilson believes that by using their technology, management can be more productive in managing desperately needed improvement and growth changes. In a way ChangeNexus is challenging Microsoft Office with a single application to manage business work.

Further he believes a more complicated, "messy" work situation exists. "How does one link and measure the value of all of these actions? Document directory structures and reports, probably." He argues "How much time is wasted trying to reduce business improvement and growth actions and the respective value, to a report, then scratching around for documents on a file server, or email threads?"

In response to this "Change AEfect" hypothesis, ChangeNexus developed a "management hack" where any business manager can affect change and manage the effects of change, in a single business action.

Wilson believes that businesses using this approach, can maintain accountability for medium and long-term strategies and the changes required to get businesses ready for the future, before it’s too late.

Deloitte’s Shift Index reports that the life-span of a Fortune 500 company is now at about 15 years, in the fifties it was 75 years. Clearly there’s an issue. ChangeNexus believes if organizations understood The Change AEfect, implemented The IOCMI’s principles of Organizational Change Management, they would be able to get a lot better at managing strategic change.

ChangeNexus encourages organizations to bring strategic change to the business core with their technology products and a global network of Channel Partners supported by the IOCMI's network of qualified OCM educators and advisors.

Wilson concludes, "We're building a change eco-system, making it easy to 'Uber-ize' consulting needs, either internally or externally, based on the nature of the Business Actions that will affect change and manage the effects of change."

He hopes this eco-system will change the way the world changes.
ChangeNexus Inc.
Paul "Change" Wilson
415 618 5335