Musicians and Celebrities Sail the Atlantic for World Peace

Musicians and Celebrities set sail March 8th from Spain to America on a 54 foot yacht with a stop in Jamaica.

New York, NY, February 21, 2008 --( On March 8th, 2008 the Beija Flor, a 54 foot sailing vessel with Skipper Detlef Kowalewski of Germany and his International crew/band will set sail from off the coast of Africa and Europe for a two month trip known as Peace Full Sail EuroRock.

EuroRock, founded by LouRicca, CEO of BackStage Pass Productions, is a tour for Peace that has toured America with musicians from all over the world for the past three years. EuroRock’s mission is to “…show the world we can all work together despite differences in color, nationality, religious or political beliefs.” EuroRock expands to the oceans with Peace Full Sail carrying known musicians from all over the world to help bring peace across the Atlantic Ocean and to the world.

During the historic Peace Full Sail journey, the crew/musicians will write songs inspired from the voyage about peace and getting along in the word. The trip will be broadcast and streamed on the Internet every day if possible from the boat as it sails to its destination bringing a message of Peace and ways people can help. The crew is also filming the journey for a documentary to be aired on many International broadcast stations. Furthermore, it's to be filmed by an award winning production company and broadcast live in Florida upon arrival in the United States on May 3rd. (Seaport to be announced)

In Montego Bay, Jamaica, from the 20th of April until the 26th, the crew will broadcast live a concert from the ships deck. Joining them in Jamaica will be another award winning film crew filming a music video for DollarMan right on the Peace Full Sail ships deck, produced by popular Reggae band Steel Pulse’s Keyboard player, Sidney Mills among others.

Many celebrities and known people are taking part in Peace Full Sail for EuroRock both on land and/or on sea:

Swiss Chris from Switzerland: 5 time Grammy Winner John Legend’s Music Director and Drummer for John Legends Band
Charlie Souza: Tom Petty’s former Bass player/and now bass player for the New Rascals and his own band, The New Tropics.
Liel, an Israeli 17 year old peace activist/singer that has sung with Bono, Bill Clinton, the Skorpians, Sir Elton John, and many major political and Royalty figures throughout the world. She is also due to sing in Rome for the Pope after the Peace Full Sail show in Florida.
The Skipper: Detlef Kowalewski, from Germany who was back-up for Iron Maiden.
The Gandhi Tour/1001 Ways from Switzerland
Award winning Film Crew from Italy, including Marco Allegri with many music video and documentary credits.
Maxel Black, singer song writer from Canada
Essra Mohawk, Singer Songwriter that inspired Joni Mitchells song Woodstock, and ‘Déjà vu’ for David Crosby and wrote songs for Cyndi Lauper and worked with Frank Zappa and Jerry Garcia.
Heidi Little: a well known talented singer songwriter from Canada and Texas.
Alan Moore: Founder of Musicians and Fine Artists for World Peace with over
2500 members worldwide including Donovan, Patti LaBelle, Melba Moore, Pete
Seeger, the New Rascals, Willie Nelson's Peace Research Institute, the Dalai Lama, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Patch Adams and Jean Houston.

LouRicca will be coordination communications from land for the whole journey.

There are other celebrities that have been contacted and awaiting confirmation. Some surprise and unannounced guests will be on hand.

Skipper Detlef Kowlewski, and founder LouRicca hope to bring the ship around the world by next year and will have musicians showing their support by watching and listening in during the journey and helping with the music that comes from the trip. It will be a totally inter-active experience provided by a local programmer as well as other platforms and content delivery services.

“Communication and sharing are keys to Peace and Peace starts in one's heart, one's home” LouRicca is quoted as saying.


Also: A press conference in Spain on the ship's deck the day before setting sail, March 7th at 3pm. Exact location tba. Please contact BackStage Pass and RSVP via email or phone call.

BackStage Pass
+11.41 43 366 0428