Like Minded Enterprises, Inc. Debuts On-Line Football Resume System

LME announces new on-line football resume system designed to connect the high school football player with college recruiters and coaches.

Dallas, TX, April 21, 2008 --( Like Minded Enterprises, Inc. is proud to announce the launch of its on-line football resume system,

High School Football Combine provides the high school football player with an on-line football resume that can be searched by college recruiters and coaches. It also gives athletes the ability to e-mail their resume to recruiters and coaches. The system was designed with the input of current and former college coaches and recruiters to guarantee that it meets their recruiting needs.

The basic resume is free to the athlete and includes biography and contact information as well as the ability to upload game video. The advanced resume is available at an additional charge and allows the athlete to add testimonials and to send their resume to any college coach or recruiter.

To ensure the safety and privacy of the student athlete, all resumes are only viewable by recruiters and coaches that have registered to use the system or who have been invited to review the resume by the athlete.

To enable recruiters and coaches to perform searches that meet their specific needs, the system provides twenty-one unique search criteria that can be used in any combination. Recruiters can also keep a short list of key prospects that they are interested in.

Like Minded Enterprises, Inc. president, Allen Cordrey, says “I am pleased to have worked with so many college recruiters to create a system that is designed specifically for the high school football player. I am confident that this gives the football player the best opportunity to showcase his talents and get noticed by national recruiters, thereby increasing his odds of earning an athletic scholarship.”

About Like Minded Enterprises, Inc. --
LME is a sports internet media company that leverages the multi–billion dollar industries of professional, collegiate and high school sports. LME provides tools for team operations, fans, media and athletes.

Like Minded Enterprises, Inc.
Barcy Cordrey