Definitive Guide to the Broadband Wireless - WiMax, WiFi, and 4G has added a new report - Definitive Guide to the Broadband Wireless - WiMax, WiFi, and 4G Cellular.

Northampton, United Kingdom, May 22, 2008 --( There are many definitions and understandings of what is wireless broadband technology. There are those professionals that claim 3G is wireless broadband and other claim that something called 4G is wireless broadband. The criteria for wireless broadband technology can be generalized in the form of the services. The end user ultimately decides with their money what they consider to be acceptable for their use. Wireless broadband services can be generalized to mean those services that support a variety of multimedia content at varying data rates from low speed (less than T1) to as high as optical data rates. Yes this is a very general description but if nearly 60 years (combined) in this business has taught these authors anything is that nothing is static and that flexibility in views is important.

The question you need to ask yourself is: 'What wireless access technologies will enable the user to experience a high quality visual and audio experience that will result in them paying you lots of money'. Not a very scientific definition but money is what it is all about else all of these vendors we are describing in this book are doing this for free.

This publication represents a compilation of research originally published in December 2006 from Mind Commerce that addresses the market place, the business drivers and the competition of the three major broadband wireless technologies with part one covering WiMax, part two WiFi, and the final section covering 4G cellular.

Mike King
+44 (0) 1933674780