New Study Can Boost Long-Term Care Insurance Need Predicts Association

Americans are living longer and that bodes well for the future need and resulting growth of long-term care insurance predicts the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - November 06, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

New Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program Discussed by Association Director

Details and insights into the new Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program were shared by the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. The program is the nation's largest group long-term care insurance program according to AALTCI. - November 04, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Insight Into Long-Term Care Insurance Rate Increases Shared by Association

Understanding what consumers with older long-term care insurance policies do when facing a rate increase is important for both insurance agents as well as consumers explains the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance (AALTCI). "There was some very interesting information shared... - November 02, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

2019 Long-Term Care Awareness Month Art Released by Long-Term Care Insurance Association

The official banner for the 2019 National Long-Term Care Awareness Month was released today by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - October 17, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Claims Insights Shared by Association Director

Just published information on long-term care insurance claims was shared by the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - October 13, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Cutting Long-Term Care Insurance Costs Addressed by LTC Association

Four tips from the latest American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance guide have been shared. Saving money on long-term care insurance is valuable information for all consumers says Jesse Slome, AALTCI's director. - October 09, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Rate Increases Addressed by LTC Association

To educate long-term care insurance policyholders who are facing rate increases, the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance has added a new resource to the organization's website. Information includes historical rate increases for leading long-term care insurance companies. - September 08, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

New Long-Term Care Insurance Charge Will Increase Dependence on Taxpayers Predicts AALTCI Director

A new law being passed in California will shift increased burden to future California taxpayers according to the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance director. - August 30, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Medico AARP Short-Term Care Insurance Deal Poised to Propel Industry Predicts Advisory Center Director

The plan by AARP to offer short-term care insurance will positively impact the industry predicts Jesse Slome, director of the National Advisory Center for Short-Term Care Information. - August 29, 2019 - Short Term Care Insurance National Advisory Council

Steps When Facing Long-Term Care Insurance Rate Increases Shared by Association Director

The director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance shared suggestions with a group of seniors facing long-term care insurance rate hikes. His advice, stay calm, get information, put all details into writing. - August 16, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Federal Task Force on Long-Term Care Insurance Seeks Input Shares AALTCI

The American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance's director urges industry professionals to submit comments to the Federal Task Force on Long-Term Care Insurance. - August 11, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Association Director Appears on Yahoo Finance Television

Jesse Slome, director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, appeared as the featured guest on Yahoo Finance televised segment about long-term care planning. - August 01, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

ShelterPoint CEO Richard White Helped Raise Over $560,000 for the College of Mount Saint Vincent

ShelterPoint CEO Richard White Helped Raise Over $560,000 for the College of Mount Saint Vincent

Richard White and Mary Griffin honored at the College’s Annual Scholarship Tribute Dinner. - May 15, 2019 - ShelterPoint

Free Medicare Basics Seminars Scheduled for May and June 2019

Medicare Basics Education seminar to discuss the who, what, when, how and why of the health care program for retirees and disabled. - May 02, 2019 - Jones Health and Benefits, LLC

Long-Term Care Insurance Costs For 60-Year Olds Vary by Over 100 Percent According to Latest AALTCI Study

Long-term care insurance costs for 60-year-olds can vary by over 100 percent according to the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance's 2019 Price Index. Comparison shopping is vital for those seeking to save money recommends AALTCI director. - April 07, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Purchased by 350,000 Americans in 2018 According to AALTCI Report

Some 350,000 Americans purchased long-term care protection including both traditional long-term care insurance as well as combination products according to a report released by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance (AALTCI). "Individuals understand the consequences associated... - March 27, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Claims End Where They Start Finds New AALTCI Study

Most long-term care insurance claims end in the same place where they start finds a new study by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - March 21, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Expect More Long-Term Care Insurance Companies to Market Directly to Consumers Predicts AALTCI

In the future, expect more insurance companies offering long-term care insurance will market directly to consumers predicts the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. AALTCI's director hosted a special call following an announcement last week by the largest LTC insurer. - March 15, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Most Long-Term Care Insurance Claims End Due to Death Reveals New AALTCI Study

The findings of a study of long-term care insurance claims released today by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance reveal that most policy claims end due to the death of the claimant. AALTCI director explains relevance of this information to consumers considering insurance coverage. - March 13, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Claims Begin at Home Reports New AALTCI Study

The majority of long-term care insurance claims begin with care in the home according to a study of 2018 new claims conducted by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - March 08, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Richard White, CEO of ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company, Joins LICONY’s Board of Directors

ShelterPoint Life Insurance Company (“ShelterPoint Life”) today announced that Richard White, CEO, has been appointed a member of the Life Insurance Council of New York’s (LICONY) Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2019. Mr. White joins other leading life insurance industry... - March 06, 2019 - ShelterPoint

AALTCI Study Reports Ages When Long-Term Care Insurance Claims Begin

A just-concluded study conducted by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance reveals ages when long-term care insurance claims begin. The AALTCI study reported data from the nation's largest long-term care insurance companies. - March 02, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Don't Overlook Long-Term Care Insurance Tax Deduction Advisory from AALTCI Recommends

An advisory issued from the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance recommends seven million American policyholders check to see if they can deduct insurance premiums from 2018 taxes. - February 27, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Majority of Long-Term Care Insurance Claims Made by Women Reports AALTCI

Nearly two-thirds of long-term care insurance claim benefits are paid to women according to the latest study conducted by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance (AALTCI). "Women account for 64 percent of long-term care insurance claims, men for 36 percent," explains Jesse... - February 21, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Largest Individual Long-Term Care Insurance Claims Now Exceeding $2 Million Reports AALTCI

The largest long-term care insurance claims now exceed $2 million according to a just released study by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - February 13, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

2019 Long-Term Care Insurance Price Index for 60 Year Olds Released by AALTCI

The annual long-term care insurance price index for 60-year-old couples was released by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. The organization shared money saving strategies that can benefit millions of older Americans. - February 08, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Highest Cost States for Private Nursing Home Room Reported by Long-Term Care Insurance Association

The 10 states reporting the highest cost for a private nursing home room were reported by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. Jesse Slome, AALTCI director, noted most consumers benefit from some insurance coverage for home care and to share some of cost risk. - February 02, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Mid-State Adds Executive HR Consultant

Mid-State HR is pleased to introduce Tammy Halsey, Executive Employment Advisor, providing HR professionals with expert services ranging from compliance to group health alter-native funding. As a member of the growing Mid-State HR team, she is passionate about making a positive impact on area... - January 16, 2019 - The Mid-State Group

Long Term Care Insurance Industry Paid $10.3 Billion in Claims in 2018 Reports AALTCI

The long-term care insurance industry paid a record $10.3 Billion in claims last year according to a just released report by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - January 16, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Mexico Auto Insurance is Now Mandatory

Mexico Auto Insurance is Now Mandatory

Mexico Auto Insurance became a legal requirement on for all vehicles traveling on Mexican federal highways on January 1, 2019. - January 10, 2019 -

Long-Term Care Insurance Costs Rise According to Association's 2019 Price Index

While costs for long-term care insurance have risen slightly, many consumers overlook techniques to save money explains the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - January 07, 2019 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

10 Largest States with Long-Term Care Insurance Policyholders Show Slight Declines Reports AALTCI

States with the largest number of long-term care insurance policyholders was shared by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - December 30, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Short-Term Care Insurance Advisory Center Posts State Approvals Listing

The National Advisory Center for Short-Term Care Information has posted the first listing of states approving various STC insurance policies. - December 28, 2018 - Short Term Care Insurance National Advisory Council

Cypress Ancillary Benefits Acquires Direct Dental

Cypress Ancillary Benefits has agreed to acquire Direct Dental Administrators located in Northern California. - December 28, 2018 - Cypress Ancillary Benefits

AALTCI Director Hosts Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Plan Discussion

The Federal Long-Term Care Insurance program was the focus on the latest LTC Plan Talk conducted by Jesse Slome director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - December 21, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Marks 10th Anniversary of Consumer Education Efforts

The national long-term care insurance association marks 10 years of consumer educational efforts. Jesse Slome, director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, notes organization has aided some 100,000 consumers seeking costs and information from insurance specialists. - December 19, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Association Partners with Home Care Assistance

The American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance will work with Home Care Assistance to support consumers seeking home care options. The leading home care provider is working with AALTCI for the first time according to director Jesse Slome. - December 17, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Southeast Snows Create Ideal Long-Term Care Insurance Educational Opportunity

The snow storm blanketing the southeastern states provides an educational opportunity suggests the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - December 12, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Stock Market Plunge Can Benefit Long-Term Care Insurance Sales Predicts AALTCI Director

The plunging stock markets can benefit insurance agents helping consumers plan for long-term care predicts the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - December 08, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

ShelterPoint Life Wins First Place in PR Daily’s 2018 Content Marketing Awards

Workplace Benefit Made Simple with Award-Winning Infographics Series - December 06, 2018 - ShelterPoint

Long-Term Care Insurance Association Recognizes Day Commemorating Persons with Disabilities

The American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance shared the latest information on care needs of persons with disabilities. The organization marked the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. - December 06, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Association to Expand Efforts Into Critical Illness Insurance

Efforts to heighten awareness about critical illness insurance protection was approved to be undertaken by the board of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. The efforts will focus on consumers according to AALTCI diurector Jesse Slome. - December 05, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Latest Long-Term Care Insurance Claim Data Provides Valuable Insight Says AALTCI Director

Just released data on long-term care insurance policyholders provides valuable planning insights for consumers shares the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, the industry trade group. - December 01, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Little Used Tax Provision Provides Significant Long-Term Care Insurance Planning Benefits Says AALTCI Director

Using a 1035 exchange to convert existing single-purpose life insurance into dual purpose life plus long-term care insurance coverage could be a wise planning move cites the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - November 28, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Conduct a Post Thanksgiving Relative Review Recommends Long-Term Care Insurance Association

Following a visit to the home of your aging parents, conducting a review of what you saw can help prevent future need for long-term care suggests the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - November 25, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Insurance Agents Overlook Significant Tax Benefit Advises American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance Director

Seniors can benefit from a significant tax deduction few insurance agents explain advises the director of the national long-term care insurance trade organization. - November 21, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

New Tax Deductible Limits for Long-Term Care Insurance Announced by AALTCI Director

A senior couple has the potential to deduct over $10,000 for their long-term care insurance premiums paid according to the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. Higher deductible levels for 2019 were just announced. - November 19, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Plan Examined By Association

There are pros and consumers agents who offer long-term care insurance should understand explains the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. - November 10, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Status Medical Insurance Solutions Launches European Health Cash Plan Product and New International Private Medical Insurance

Status Medical Insurance Solutions, a new brand for Status Global Insurance (SGI), have just launched a new European Health Cash Plan product alongside Status Worldwide Healthcare, a new international private medical insurance (iPMI). These two new products complement those already available from... - November 09, 2018 - Status Global Insurance

Long-Term Care Insurance Association Director Urges Agents to Call Congress

November is Long-Term Care awareness Month and the director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance urges grass roots action. - October 28, 2018 - American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance

Press Releases 151 - 200 of 860