New Sustainable Edible Coating ALOECOAT 1-BIO Improves Food Safety in the Fresh Chile Pepper

ALOECOAT 1-BIO is a new aloe based edible coating which helps chile pepper growers and packers to protect fresh produce of bacteria and fungi, extending shelf life. - September 13, 2016

Mr. Aloe Vera: A New Brand of Aloe Leaves in the US Market

Mr. Aloe Vera is a new brand of aloe vera leaves distributed in the US market by Mexican aloe grower Aloe Eco Park. - September 11, 2016

ALOECOAT 1-BIO is a New Aloe Based Edible Coating to Improve Food Safety in the Fresh Produce Industry

Aloe Eco Park SAPI de CV, a Mexican company, is launching ALOECOAT 1-BIO, a new aloe based edible coating which helps growers and packers to protect fresh produce of bacteria and fungi, extending shelf life of fruits and vegetables, improving food safety and final consumers satisfaction with total sustainability. ALOECOAT 1-BIO contributes to safe fresh produce packing as established in the new Produce Safety Final Rule under Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). - September 07, 2016

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